"I know about everything now," she said with bite. "There's no space for your excuses now."

Her dad took in her form and stared at her in surprise. Sam, on the other hand, stared at her with a stern gaze.

"Meadow," Sam said. "Maybe we should take this conversation outside."

"I'm good where I am," she said.

"Meadow," her dad said in a voice that left no room to argue. "Outside. Now."

"You know, I always did wonder if what those children said before was really right. And they were. It's not surprising seeing as how you treated Jake better than me growing up."

"I never-"

"And maybe you changed that habit of yours of quickly brushing me off, but you still treated him better. You've never cared about me!"

"You know that's not true!"

"It is! You left me to care for Jake after mom died even though I'm only a few years older than him! You always asked how he was, how his grades were, if he already ate dinner, how his sports practices went, but you never asked me those questions! You never took interest in anything I did! And now that you think I'll phase, you want to be nicer to me?"

"Meadow, you're being stupid!" Jake yelled from behind her. She felt a push on her back and her body lurched forward in response. She landed on the floor on her hands and knees. The room was quiet, and the inhabitants were still. A low growl resonated throughout the room causing three people to panic. In a rush, Sam pulled Meadow out of the house just in time.

Meadow watched in fear as her body morphed into something she wasn't familiar with. Her fingernails and her toenails elongated, poking holes in her shoes. Hair the color of aluminum and copper sprouted from her skin. She felt her bones break and reshape themselves into a new mold, filling her body with nothing pain. It hurt, so she resisted. She didn't want to feel the pain anymore, the burning. She heard yelling but she couldn't decipher what was being said. She was too focused on the searing pain.

Someone crouched in front of her and started yelling in her face. She vaguely recognized it was her brother. She saw his lips move and form silent words that she couldn't make out. She was frustrated that she couldn't hear him or understand what he was saying. She focused so much on her brother that she didn't realize the pain was but a faint pain. She only realized when the voices started talking to her.

A new one?

Someone else phased?

Is it Quil?

Everyone quiet!

The voices in her head stopped and she could only thank the last voice for allowing her head a reprieve.

Meadow, how do you feel?


Meadow Black?!


Who are you? She asked in a quiet voice.

Sam Uley.

It's me, Embry!

Jared Cameron.


What's going on? Meadow asked in fear. Her body felt awkward and when she tried to take a step, she felt two legs move instead of one. She glanced down and was shocked to see a copper paw. She jumped back in surprise, landing clumsily on her belly.

You shifted, Sam said.

I don't understand. How can you hear me? She asked.

It's a wolf thing, Jared said.

We can hear each other's thoughts when we're in wolf form, Embry said excitedly.

My thoughts?! she screamed internally. The boys groaned when her loud voice entered their minds and she winced when she realized what she'd done.

How do I change back? I don't want this, she said.

None of us wanted this, Sam said.

I wasn't supposed to phase. No girl has ever phased, she said.

I don't know the specifics, but because you are from the Alpha bloodline, your chances of phasing are higher than normal, Sam explained.

How do I change back? she asked again.

You must envision what you look like when you're human. Focus on the details and you'll change back, Paul answered.

Meadow did as she was instructed and was happy with the results. She returned to normal quickly. She marveled at the sight of her hands. It didn't last long, though as the wind chilled her form. It was then that she realized she was naked. She placed her hands over her body in a way to cover her intimate parts. Her dad came out of the house with a pair of shorts and a shirt for her and she was instantly grateful. She put on the clothes given to her and sat on the ground, exhausted from the recent events.

Sam came out of the tree line a few moments later and approached her.

"We have a lot to talk about," he told her.

"Yeah, I guess so."


Shorter chapter than usual, but that's only because I thought this was a good ending to the chapter. Sorry for being gone so long, but I've had the worst writer's block. Plus, I started this new anime and I've been binge-watching it so I can catch up before the new season comes out in a couple of days. 

Don't forget to ☆ the chapter and comment what you think!

♡ Stay Awesome ^u^ ♡

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