{811 words}    Silence has always been my loudest scream

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{811 words}
Silence has always been my loudest scream.

"Something is coming, hungry for
blood." Exclaims Mike. Everyone is dead silent especially Alex.

"A shadow grows on the wall swallowing you in darkness." Mike continues. "What is it?!" Asks Lucas impatiently. "Demigorgon." Alex say bluntly. Mike looks at her with admiration in his eyes. "Jesus we're screwed if it's the demigorgon." Says Dustin worryingly. Alex nods her head in agreement looking at the game.

"It's not the demigorgon." Lucas says bluntly. "Yes it is." Alex says staring him in the eye. Which to Alex's dismay scares him and he scoots his chair farther away from her. And she smiles mischievously.

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike raises his voice a little while banging his fist against the game board. Alex lets out a sigh of relief. Lucas gives her a 'I told you so' look. Alex gave him another death glare.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin asks

"Told ya." Lucas says proudly. And Alex rolls her eyes. Dustin snorts which earned a silent giggle from Alex.

"Wait a minute." Mike says suddenly looking around. "Did you hear that?" Now everyone is nervous again. Alex looks around and her eyes land in Will. "That... that sound?... boom...boom...boom!" Mike yells which makes Alex look back at Mike. "That didn't come from the troglodytes. That came from something else."

They all look at each other. Then Mike slams a game piece onto the game board. "The demigorgon!" Everyone groans except Alex. Lucas saw Alex giving him the 'I told you so' look. Then Lucas nods his head as if to say 'touché'.

"We're in deep sh*t." Replies Dustin.

"Will! your action!"Mike shouts at him

"Fireball him!" Yells Lucas

Alex shook her head. "13 or higher. Bad call."

"Too risky. Cast protection spell." Dustin says defensively.

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!" Lucas yells out.

"Cast protection!" Dustin argues

Will looks at Alex nervously. Counting on her to make the choice. "Do what you think is worth it." She says reassuringly. Will nods at her.

"The demigorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!" Mike shouts. "It stomps towards you!" He says looking at Alex.

Alex looks around the basement. Getting more nervous by the second.

"Boom!" Mike yells. Alex almost falls out of her seat, not comfortable with all the noise.

"Hurry." Alex says in her normal tone.

  "Fireball him!" Yells Lucas

"Another stomp! Boom! Boom!"

"Cast protection!" Yells Dustin

"He roars in anger!" Mike yells.Lucas and and Dustin start bickering until Will finally says. "Fireball!" While throwing the dice.

  The dice rolls off the table into the ground and everybody drops to the ground looking for it.

"Oh sh*t!"

"Where is it?" Asks Lucas

"I don't know! Is it a 13?" Asks Dustin

"I don't know!" Says Will for the billionth time.

"Where is it?!" Asks Lucas

"I don't know. " Will stresses.

Alex is looking on the floor until she spotted something. She went to pick it up but it was just a game piece.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Mutters Dustin.

"Mike!" Mrs Wheeler shouts. "Mike!" She shouts again when he doesn't respond.

"Can you find it yet?"Lucas asks

"No I can't find it yet!" Exclaims Will

  A moment after Will spoke Mrs Wheeler came down. "Mike!" She exclaims.

  "Mom we're in the middle of a campaign!"

  Alex heard Mike and his mom talking. Mike comes down and says that we all have to go. "Can I stay,Mike?" Alex asks and Mike nods. Mike had heard the story of Alex's drunk dad so she stays over often.

"Hey you want a slice Alex?" Asks Dustin. She shook her head and walked outside.

A moment later the boys came out. "There's something wrong with you sister." Dustin said to Mike.

"What do you mean?" He asks oblivious. "She has a stick up her butt." Dustin replies. Lucas nods and says "yeah cause she's dating that douchbag Steve." Alex nods even though no one payed attention to her.

"Ya but she's being a real jerk." Daisy Dustin.

"She's always been a real jerk." Replied the Wheeler boy.

"Nuh-uh she used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our elder tree campaign." Dustin says as he starts riding his bike away.

"Yeah four years ago!" Mike yells loud enough for Dustin to hear. All Alex heard was a small 'just saying' before they all rode off, leaving Mike and Alex outside with Will.

"It was a seven." Said Will. "What?" Asked mike. "I rolled a seven. The demigorgon, it got me." He responded. Alex and Mike nodded.

  They went inside and Alex stayed in the basement. She got a blanket and laid down. "Good night Alex." "Good night Mike."

And with that she fell asleep.

(800 words.)

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