*River Song Voice* Spoilers

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So, a few days ago, the first episode of Season 12 of Doctor Who premiered. I don't really have someone to talk to who's seen it, so I'll just rant about it here. If you don't want spoilers, get off the chapter.

The episode had. The. BEST. Reveal. EVER. I missed all of the clues leading up to it until after the reveal.

Here's the reveal:

"O" sent the Doctor a message disguised as a photo of a fish. He knows the Doctor well enough to know that she would understand the message. The Doctor mentions she had met O previously and liked him. This reminds me, now that I think of it, how the Doctor and the fob-watched Master were such great friends during the 'Utopia' episode. The Doctor and the Master were always great friends before the Master fudges it up by killing people or whatever.

The Doctor tells Ryan and Yaz, who are off to California for some spy work, that, "The first rule of espionage is to trust no one." The Doctor makes the mistake

When the Doctor and Graham arrive to O's house at the Outback, the Doctor comments that O has gone "hermit." That's a call back to Hermits United, the organization the Doctor made up in 'Utopia,' the first episode that the Master appeared in during New Who.

O also brings up that he met the Doctor back when she was a bloke. He also says that he has a bunch of files on the Doctor and offers to let Graham go through them. A lot of characters in the show have kept files on the Doctor, such as the man in the 'Rose' episode, as well as several organizations like LINDA, Torchwood, UNIT, etc. This fact made this sign SO EASY to overlook.

O also mentions that they need to find the spyMASTER in order to stop the deaths and DNA corruptions of agents around the world. Of course, he mentions that during the reveal.

This was such a good episode and they made everything fall into place really well. If I had known to look for the signs while watching the episode, I might have caught it. But looking back, they were all there.

That's what makes it such a great plot twist. I can't wait to see the new dynamic between the Doctor and "O" Master in Spyfall Pt. 2.

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