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"It's the things they say when they don't seem to understand you. They begin to call your personality a disease and judge you based on shallow and inordinate psychoanalysis".

Yeah you probably yawned too 'cause I just did. I had already fallen asleep thrice in this two-hour Psychology 101 class, and it wasn't even 10am yet. I sighed, stood up and swung my beige-colored backpack over my right shoulder and exited the lecture hall. I'm not an unserious student. I just hated falling asleep in class.

"Excuse me please how do I get to the Faculty of Social Sciences?", a lithe dark-skinned boy asked. I shook my head in repudiation implying that I, a fellow freshman was as lost as he was. He grimaced slightly and thanked me before leaving to ask another person for directions. Truth is, I knew where it was, but I sucked at giving directions and I didn't need another thing ticking off my anger bomb. I already had enough pent up anger inside.

I was stuck somewhere between a yellow building and the office of some Dean. I already couldn't wait to complete freshman year, and we were barely three weeks into the first semester. I still had about seven months in freshman year. The thought of it made my face cringe.

"Hi please. Are you also a freshman?", I asked a shaking timid boy. From his looks, he had just four more to live(seconds, minutes, hours......we may never know.)

"Yeah, I'm in the Department of Human Anatomy", he answered, facing the floor the whole time.

"Anatomy eh! I believe we offer most courses together in this level. I'm in Medicine and Surgery"

"Oh, that's nice", he replied still looking gloomy.

I'm actually just exaggerating.

"Yeah, and oh, do you know where we're having our Biology101 class? I know it doesn't start till ten but I heard it's quite a walk from the main lecture halls.", I asked and he nodded in affirmation.

"It's where I'm going to right now. Psychology class was boring", he said with a smile and I just smirked.

I just shrugged and followed him clearly avoiding any form of conversation. I wasn't sure if he knew that I was sociopathic. Besides, he had so much nostril hair that they could basically be regarded as nose-beards.


Oh, and did I mention that he wore braces? Total turn off! He looked like he was eight and seventy-two at the same time.

We got to the Department of Applied Biology and I pouted in disgust. The lecture hall was unfortunately full.....too full even. It had at least two-thousand freshmen inside and at least two-hundred standing by the door. And the dweebs from Psychology class hadn't even gotten here.

"I'm Mark by the way", the creepy guy said. I looked at his outstretched arm, returned his gesture with a handshake and immediately took a mental note to carry a hand-sanitizer everywhere as from now on. I was highly haphephobic, germaphobic and I had a slight OCD, or that's just what Google told me.

I repeat! No way in hell am I shaking him again in future.

"I'm Vladimir.....but you can call me Vlad", I responded after the very awkward silence.

I can't remember what happened after that because I wasn't interested in making any friends and partly because the sun kept threatening to fry my brain to crackers.

I got to the bus station and took a bus home. I could always wait for Mom but then she would start asking me how many times I've prayed today and how my walk with God is and all that spiritual mumbo jumbo. Also, there was just something about being around people whilst still intentionally ignoring them that I really seemed to like so well.

NYET! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ