
17 1 38

jaehyuck had already been admitted into the hospital. it was the cleanest and highest praised in korea!

this was the quietest any of the large group had ever seen the boy. the only sound in the room was that of the heart monitor. jinyoung and hyunjin laid on either side of him and nini was rested in his lap and it should have comforted him. but honestly, it didn't do much. he was terrified. doctors scared him to begin with. and now to have to be knocked out and taken into a strange room where people will open him up? and his daddy couldn't go with him... it was terrifying to the boy. honestly, he may have preferred pregnancy.

the heavy silence was broken by achilles who stepped into the room. "my mom just landed." he informed, taking a place on woojin's lap. "she'll be here soon." but the younger boy could only nod, slow and stuff.

hattie entered with a new iv back and gave the boys and miseung a soft smile as she changed them out. "that one was to keep you flushed out until you needed this one. this one just has anesthetics." she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to jaehyuck's forehead. "i've got patients to attend. technically i should be letting caelynn do this but i wanted to come for myself. if you guys need me just buzz. any of you." she slipped out after giving a very worried jaebum a comforting squeeze.

jaehyuck's vision was already hazy by the time hattie returned with jiwoo and caelynn. she had done her best to make sure that everyone that would be working with him were people he knew and would be comfortable with. though jiwoo had to be at the head of the bed because caelynn's and hattie's chests uh.. made his heartrate begin to go up. which honestly amused everyone but they decided to not mention it.

hyunjin was a bit tougher to make leave so he stayed with jaehyuck in the surgery room until he finally passed out and finally walked out. but he couldn't help but worry. he knew he was getting the best care possible though.

hattie, caelynn, and jiwoo greeted the elder woman respectfully as she entered and they held just a small conversation as they scrubbed in.

"i understand he's close with my son." she spoke in korean, and was honestly the slightest bit shocked when hattie replied rather than jiwoo.

"yes, unnie. jaehyuck is the maknae of achilles's group. he really means a lot to achilles and... well a big bunch of people."

seoli tilted her head as caelynn put the gloves on the three doctors. "who is the leading doctor on his case?"

"me." hattie chirped softly. "jiwoo is interning here and caelynn is my most trusted nurse. jaehyuck is... he's very fragile so i wanted only people he knew and trusted on his side."

"you're a very kind woman." the compliment caused hattie to beam under her mask, however the three said no more as they went into the operating room, caelynn upstairs to watch with a couple of students and achilles and atlanta. she cocked a brow upon seeing atlanta.

"'chilles told me mom was doing a surgery." she explained, to which caelynn just nodded. she thought it was sweet that seoli's children, though pursuing entirely different career paths, were still interested in their parents' work.

the surgery went by smoothly. it took a little longer than the typical hour because they all wanted jaehyuck to be the best he could be when he was done. seoli was very precise. she made the smallest incisions as possible, which amazed both hattie and jiwoo. though they weren't surgeons themselves they'd worked with plenty! and none seemed to work as good or as clean as seoli did.

once jaehyuck was stitched back up, she took off her gloves and threw them away followed by the rest of her gear. "you guys may take him back. i would like to see my children."

hattie just nodded and took off her gear, jiwoo copying her actions. once again with jiwoo at the head and hattie at the feet, they wheeled the bed out and were met by caelynn!

"dr. min did a really amazing job." caelynn noted as she looked at the boy. the only sign of surgery if any sort was the bright redness on his skin where the stitches were.

"i knew achilles praises her but i didn't know she was that good." jiwoo agreed, to which hattie nodded.

"i've never seen anything like it." the middle of the group directed them into a post op room and replaced the anesthesia bag with just a normal iv bag that would pump necessary fluids into him to keep him from feeling thirsty or hungry. "will you guys go get the boys?"

"happily!" jiwoo was the first to take off— he was still a lovesick teen. college graduate or not! he'd take every chance possible to see chan and jinyoung.

caelynn laughed as he took off and followed after at a normal pace.

jinyoung and jaebum had argued about who got the chair closest to the bed. a lot. a few other patients' families told them to quiet down and they were scolded by hattie. but by the time they had settled the argument, chan had already taken the chair— which caused the two group mates to huff and squish into the second closest.

jaehyuck made a few cute little babbling noises and pulled nini closer, the cute action causing everyone who saw to melt.

however, as his eyes opened and he adjusted and remembered what he'd just undergone... he began to sob he quickly brought one knee to his chest, completely nursing the side he'd just had surgery on. he tried to make some words come out but it all just sounded like nonsense. he did manage to clearly say "hyung" to which jaebum, chan, hyunjin and woojin all stood up and walked over to the bed for.

jaehyuck took woojin's hand and tugged him to be on the bed with him, carefully moving to bury his face in the elder's lap, staining his pants with tears.

honestly if you didn't know who was in the room you'd probably think it was a distressed toddler.

after jaehyuck had.. somewhat calmed down, he allowed himself to settle into jinyoung'a arms, but he still refused to look at his stomach. he kept his eyes on the wall, the tv, the door, his hyungs... anywhere but his abdomen. he was slobbering all over jinyoung's arm but neither exactly cared.

seoli entered with achilles who murmured a quick goodbye to atlanta and shuffled over to wrap himself around woojin's arm.

"you must be the lucky boyfriend." seoli smiled at jinyoung, which made hyunjin whine a little bit. "two?" she wasn't judging, of course! her son had multiple as well and she supported all of them! she was just clarifying! "then i have good news for you both and the family. which, by stories i here is all of you."

jaehyuck just nodded in response. "a-all hyungs.. and seungie.."

"well, his surgery went smooth. his appendix hadn't ruptured so we shouldn't need him in here longer than 24 hours."

"will there be a scar?" his voice cracked as he asked the question. he was an idol! a /huge/ idol! and one of the most beloved maknaes in kpop.

"there's almost always a scar." seoli admitted softly. "however, i did my best to be sure yours would be the smallest it could be. may i take a look?"

just another nod. jinyoung's heart tugged as he felt a few tears hit his arm. he moved a bit so that his lips were pressed against jaehyuck's forehead.

jaehyuck's heart rate sped up a little as she lifted the blanket and gown and he slowly looked down. however, he was very pleasantly surprised to see that it looked almost normal! "it... it looks really good, miss... c-compared to a lot of others..."

"i'm the best at what i do." she winked gently at the boy, putting the gown back down and pulling the blanket back up. "i myself have to get going. i have cases all around the world. but i know for a fact that doctor hunt will take the very best care of you."

jinyoung looked up as she exited and bit his lip for a moment. "mrs. min?" she hummed in response, turning to look at him. "thank you... a lot."

"of course." she bowed her head to the idol and left the room.

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