a quick AN

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hey everyone! so i just wanted to tell you all something since ive been thinking about this for a while. (you can skip this btw unless your interested in a new book) 

So as you all may have noticed, my chalastor fics will indeed be ending soon. (dw, lots more chapters, but they will be done by the time march rolls around!) and considering the fact that apparently im a good writer (shocker, i think im trash at it but you guys say otherwise)

So im going to tell you guys that im not just stopping at chalastor! no no no! Im proud to annouce that i have decided to make my next fic about...(drum roll please!)


CHERRI BOMB X SIR PENTIOUS! Yes i ship it, i think its adorable, i understand that i might loose some readers, but hey, i like doing this, its fun, so yeah. oh and after that ill do anglehusk. 

Thanks guys! -fireguard

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