The Villiage of Ashes

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It was a bright and sunny day in the forest. Wario could be seen walking down a dirt path, talking aloud. "Taking care of those chumps was easy. I think I saw a few of them run that way. Eh, I'll catch up with them later, I feel like taking a nap." After finding a nice tree, he pulled his cap over his eyes and started to drift off to sleep. He soon was dreaming about his stolen gold he would soon be getting back. Unfortunately, he was startled awake by a deafening roar. His eyes scanned the forest and skies to see what woke him up.

 His eyes scanned the forest and skies to see what woke him up

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(I actually did this one. I'm really proud of it considering that it's my first one)

He finally spotted the creature that dared to wake him. It was a red dragon with a brown underside that was spewing flames as it descended towards the ground. He then remembered reading somewhere that dragons love to hoard treasure. With a new goal in mind, he ran towards the direction the dragon went. After a minute or so, a veil of smoke covered the beast, so he went towards the source of the smoke.

Once there, he was met with a burned-out village, the dragon already gone. He searched among the wreckage for any valuables left intact, giving solemn looks to the charred bodies. He soon decided to check the well if anything was hidden in it. He started to pull the bucket out with the rope and felt that it had a good weight to it. Thinking that it was gold, he pulled the bucket faster. What he didn't expect to see, was a pair of blue eyes.

Startled, he let go of the rope for a moment, sending the blue eyes screaming down the well. He quickly grabbed the rope again and pulled whoever it was up. Their eyes met again, but this time, Wario didn't let go. The eyes belonged to a female teen with blond hair and ears like his, only that they were longer and stuck out sideways more. She clambered out of the well and stared at him with fear. Wario was intrigued, he has never seen anyone with ears like him other than Waluigi. Deciding to break the uncomfortable silence, he asked a simple question. "Who are you?"

The girl blinked, fear giving way to confusion. "Tawh ear uyo ginsya? A od tno dantserdun?"

Now they both were at a loss, each hearing a language that they haven't heard before. The silence returned and they continued to stare at each other. All of a sudden, a voice could be heard, causing both of them to jump in surprise. "I can see you can't understand her, sir. But I can perfectly." It was none other than Wario's magic wand, Goodstyle.

" It was none other than Wario's magic wand, Goodstyle

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"Ah! Goodstyle, What are you doing here!?"

"I was always with you after the defeat of Terrormisu, sir. It just seems like you forgot about me."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It was a good rest for me, so no need for apologies. Now sir, when Terrormisu gifted me some of her powers, one of them was the gift of being omnilingual."

"Eh? English please."

"It means that you are able to understand and speak every language. Sir, I believe I can bestow this trait to you as she did to me."

"Okay! This will make things much easier for me. Do your thing buddy."

"Right away, sir!

As Wario and Goodstyle were talking, the elf girl watched in silence. She understood what the flying stick was saying, but not the fat elf. She became intrigued about the elf in front of her. She has never seen an elf of his large stature before. He must be very rich to be able to keep that size. And that pearly white smile, it made her more and more uncomfortable the longer she stared at it.

All done. She should be able to understand you now."

"Are you sure? I don't feel different."

"Absolutely sir. Remember, if you need me again, just call my name."

Goodstyle then disappeared to wherever he was before, leaving the two alone again. Wario turned to the girl, who froze in place under his gaze, this time understanding what he's saying.

"Hello? Can you understand me, little girl?"

"Y-yes, I can understand you now. Just who are you?"

"Me? I'ma Wario! The greatest treasure hunter you've ever seen. Now, who are you?"

"T-tuka, Tuka Luna Marceau."

Wario paused and took another look around the village, Tuka doing the same. The latter started to break into tears, reality finally hitting her. The former was confused about what to do about the situation. He may be mean and rude, especially if money is involved, but he isn't heartless. He tried to give her a couple of stiff pats on the back, but she immediately hugged him and buried her face into his chest. Wario felt very uncomfortable by this, so he pried her off of him before sitting down.

"Ok, enough of that, it's making me uncomfortable."


"I was going to ask you how this happened, but it was probably the red dragon I was following?"

He only received a nod in response from Tuka, her sobbing quieted down to soft sniffles. He gave out a sigh and pulled out the Wario Bike from seemingly nowhere, the girl's eyes widening at the sudden trick he nonchalantly pulled off. Something in the back of her mind told her that he was capable of far more than what he seemed to be. He sat on the bike and tried to wave her over, but her attention was focused on the bike.

In all of her life, she has never seen nor heard about the horseless two-wheeled wagon in front of her. Everything was strange about it, from the yellow color to the two rods poking out in the back, even the two wheels were different sizes. She snapped out of her trance when he called out to her.

"Hey. Since I'm feeling generous today, you can ride with me until you find somewhere else to stay. Just don't cause any trouble."

Tuka begrudgingly walked over and sat down on his lap, due to there being no room anywhere else. It was more comfortable than she would like to admit given the embarrassing situation. All of a sudden, a loud rumbling sound that shook her entire body could be heard. After hearing the dragon's roars, this was not a pleasant surprise. She held the handles of the motorcycle harder and let out a small whimper.

"Scared, are you? This is going to be fun. Ah hahaha!"

He then went full speed down the road leading away from Tuka's old home with her screaming and Wario laughing at her fear. Neither of them knew where they were going, but they didn't care. Wario was simply just searching for the people who took his gold, while Tuka had nowhere else to go.

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