Chapter II

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"mum why are you in here?" the boy asked wait mom? I thought to myself "I'm just showing the new maid around" he looked in my direction and realized it was me, but wanting to be "cool" around his friends he pretending he didn't know me. I didn't take it offensivly because no one wanted to know me, I was the outsider in school. 

"o.k. just tell her this-" he motioned to the space around him "- is off limits unless I give her permission" his mother knoded and as we walked out I looked behind me and saw him high-fiving all his friends.


Later I found out I am to call her mrs.vulez and her daughters name is christiana and her stepdaughters name is georgina. at 8:00pm I waited for my bus and at 8:15 I saw someone walking towards me, it was a cold night and I could see my breath, I wasn't ready to run if I had to. As he got closer I realized it was dylan. when he got close enough he asked if the bus was coming any time soon, I shook my head and said "not until nine" "are you cold?" he asked, I shivered and nodded in response. he took off his large sweater and put it on my shoulders. I pulled it closer to, it was still warm from his body heat.

we stood there for awhile me shivering, him whistling. "do you want me to drive you home?" he asked "oh no that would be way too much of a hassle for you, I'm perfectly capable of busing." "No I'm driving you, your turning blue." so he took me to his car and opened the door for me.

When we were in he turned the heat on full blast and a jet of hot air hits my face. "so I still haven't gotten your name do you mind telling me?" he asked "um my name caraline but no one calls me that they call me cara" he looked sideways at me and smerked. " well caraline I think that is a beautiful name it suits you."

I could feel my self blushing "um turn left up here" i said directing him "so caroline why are you doing this maid thing?" he asked "um... this is my house up here on the right" he slowed down and pulled over "thank you for driving me" I was steping out of the car and and rembered "oh here's your sweater back" i said starting to take it off and give it back to him

"no keep it, it looks better on you" he said with a cheeky smile and I saw he had dimples. "oh, ok! thank you." i said happily. I closed the car door and walked up to my house. when I opened the door I got a whiff of alcohol. I knew my mother was probably passed out somewhere with a bottle of whiskey in hand. 

when I went into the living room and saw exactly that. I went over and put a blanket on her, turned off the tv and went to my room. I closed my door put on something to wear to bed and put back on dylans sweater. It was way too big for me but it had a masculine scent. I collapsed onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling making shapes until I fell asleep. when i wake up I heard my mom screaming at me "why the hell do you still live here?! you're useless! all you is sit around on your ass all day and sleep!" She shouted angrily "mom your drunk go back to sleep" I said still half asleep "you will not tell me what to do! god your just like your father!" 

that hit me hard. my dad left us when I was 12 because my mom would constantly yell at him like this. one night when my mom was really drunk she needed someone to yell at so she went to my dads house and while they were yelling she got angry and then she pushed him. he fell down a flight of stairs his neck snapped and his skull was fractured. my mom always thought he was a failure because he worked a deadend job and he was a dropout.

I couldn't take it I could feel the tears briming over my eyelids. I tried to blink them back. I'm used to these late night scoldings but tonight felt especialy bad. "are you gonna cry, baby? where did you get that sweater? who are you f***ing? I don't want some slut in my house!" "mom I'm just borrowing it" "get out of my house! just get out!". I didn't grab anything I just ran. when I got out of the house realised my phone was in my pocket. I looked in my contacts and saw that there was pretty much no one I could call. so i just walked around all night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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