blush (WinTeam)

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Original Prompt: Win discovers how cute Team is while blushing and does whatever he can to make it happen.

Win had found that the best way to get Team to blush was to take him by surprise.

It could be a slow affair however. Belated, rather. Win would do something and it was as if it would take a minute or two in order for Team's brain to catch up and tell him 'oh wow, I'm embarrassed'. But, eventually, his brain would catch up and his skin would paint itself that soft pink, his eyes almost quivering as they would look at Win in confusion. Win absolutely loved it.

Pink suited Team really well and Win was going to make it his job in order to get pink to be Team's default color when around him.

He began simply. If he were to take Team off guard, he needed to get the younger boy comfortable around him, unsuspecting. His usual default attitude was 'flirty' when around Team, so he dropped it, for the time being. He could see the confusion on Team's face the last few days when he looked at him and it made Win feel jumpy, but he knew the outcome would be worth it.

And worth it, it was.

When Win popped up behind Team in the locker room (after everyone else had cleared out) and whispered, making sure that his breath fanned across the side of the other's face, "You're best looking when you're wet, you know."

Team seemed to freeze, his shoulders stiffening as his hands paused in his locker and Win smirked, proud with himself as he saw the faint blush appear across the back of Team's neck. It moved upwards, covering his ears that peaked out from beneath his hair.

"P'Win..." came the whine and Win stepped back as Team turned, looking confused but mostly embarrassed and shy. Win only smiled and shrugged and walked off, Team pouting at him as he did.

The next time was a little more subtle and was actually an accident. They were out eating with Dean, Pharm, Manaow, and Del, all seated around the table. Win had made sure to sit directly next to Team, but that wasn't difficult to accomplish.

They just so happened to reach for something at the same time and Win's hand brushed up against Team's. Team shot his hand backwards to his chest, almost as if he had been burned and Win blinked, glancing over at him to see his face pulled into a furrowed expression as he once again blushed.

Win smiled and laughed lightly to himself, grabbing what he wanted. Team fell silent as the conversation continued and what Win did next wasn't at all the accident that it had been at first.

The next time their hands touched, it was on purpose. Win slid his fingers along the side of Team's hand, carefully watching as his face froze and he seemed to stop breathing for a moment. But Team didn't pull away and Win enjoyed that. He tugged on Team's sleeve, tugging his hand down beneath the table so that the other's couldn't see the way that Win folded their fingers together, his thumb brushing along the back of his hand.

And he couldn't look away from Team, at the way he blushed and got nervous, so unlike how he normally was and it felt good to know that he was causing it. He never saw Team get like this with anyone else and Win felt possessive over this color that painted Team's skin. He hoped nobody else ever would have this kind of effect on him.

The third time got Team the darkest and was possibly Win's favorite. Win's room was heavy with the smell of sex and Team looked cute as hell spread out across his sheets. He was flushed and red, his head tilted back as he panted, Win's fingers working over him, touching each and every part that he could possibly reach.

Win wanted to memorize the other's body. Never had he so much wanted to memorize every part of a person as he did with Team. It was almost ridiculous really, but instead of pushing it away, Win embraced it and let it happen and it was a euphoric feeling, the kind of feeling he wondered if Dean felt when he looked at Pharm.

And through all of Win trying to paint Team the color pink, he never once considered that Team might also do the same to him.

"Go on a date with me." Team said again because Win didn't answer, instead staring down at the other, only blinking as he tried to comprehend what the other had said. They were words he had never expected to hear from him. They had been having a thing for awhile, but it was casual, no matter how much Win kinda wanted it to be more. Team fought him tooth and nail against making it more, until now, apparently.

"Huh?" Win just blinked but the warm feeling was starting to spread through his chest. He knew what he had said, but he needed to hear it one more time to make sure this wasn't some sort of crazy dream.

Team narrowed his dark eyes just a little, looking exasperated, but then he did something that Win hadn't been expecting and he leaned forward, pressing their lips together into a soft, sweet kiss.

Win was still for a moment before he kissed back, deciding that if this was a dream, he was going to enjoy it. Team pressed his hand to his arm and Win decided that this was definitely real as he tasted the sweet flavor of whatever Pharm had cooked for him that day.

A few moments later they pulled away and Win could only stare, his eyes a little glossy and dazed and then he saw Team grinning up at him. "P'Win... you're blushing." Team teased and Win quickly shook his head, feeling the warmth in his cheeks.

"You caught me off guard." He fired back, taking it in stride as he grinned and slid his arm around the younger's shoulder who gave a cute, pouty, scowl. There was no harshness behind it though and it only made Win's heart skip a beat. "What was it that you asked me?"

"If you didn't hear, I'm not going to ask you again." Team said quickly, the blush now transferred back onto his face and Win smiled, even as Team pulled away and began to march off, mumbling to himself just barely loud enough for Win to hear. "Just go on a date with me..."

"If you insist!" He called out before hurrying to catch up, deciding that he loved the blush that he caused Team, but it wasn't so bad to blush himself either. 

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