"Would you like to talk about it and learn how to harvest fig nuts? They're ready today" she invited him, hopeful at his acceptance.

He had never harvested those before. Many plants he could get from the Forbidden Forest, but others he couldn't. Fig nuts were only available in America and he needed them sent in.

Nodding, he went to her small jungle, the scent of earth and greenery wrapped him up cozily. In a corner sat three trees, each about six feet tall, their thick branches hanging heavy with red tennis ball sized shells.

"I say a blessing before I take the fruit" she told him, almost defiantly, as if she expected pushback

"That sounds reasonable. Teach it to me" he told her, something about the practice settling in his soul

"Take my hand" she directed, holding out her hand, several rings with gemstones catching his eye

Holding her hand awkwardly, she closed her eyes, and lifted their hands toward the trees

"From Earth to air, and here to there, I grind you fine, with love and care. Through pestle to essence, here I sow. From whole to powder, on mortar you go. Round and round may your power grow. Continue to let your energy flow"

Her alto voice, throaty and warm coated him like thick honey. The words a physical presence over his body. This was deep magic. Kind magic. Gratitude. Love. Gentleness. Soft resistance.

They were still holding hands in closed eyed silence.

"See? You understand the power" she smiled, giving his fingers a squeeze before letting them go.

"I'm beginning to" he acknowledged, ready to start

"Pick them from the branch first, gently, or else the skin will tear" she instructed, pinching the stem on the branch, giving a gentle tug as the fruit came away easily

He reached up, following her example and a satisfying rush settled in his chest as he held the fig in his hand. They picked seventy figs. His fingertips radiated soreness by the end, using a different set of muscles than potion making but Zella didn't seem fazed.

Handing him a knife, she showed him how to slice the fruit to harvest not only the meat but the nut inside. Horizontal slice, vertical slice, pop out the middle. It seemed easy enough but the middle wouldn't pop for him.

A rush of hot shame and embarrassment creeped up his neck. He wasn't used to learning new things or being a novice. Zella didn't say a word, she simply reached over, placed her hand over his, respositioned his fingers, and with a swift squeeze popped out the middle into a bowl.

"You have to mean the squeeze" she smiled, the absence of her fingers left his hand cold

"How did you learn all of this?" he asked as they worked, the red fruit juices beginning to stain his hands

"My parents are Muggles. They are horticulturists. Plant scientists. They always thought I had a knack for gardening, they didn't realize it was magic" she explained with a laugh

"How did they take it?" he followed up, remembering his own father's hatred of magic

"Surprisingly well. My dad said that's why I always won our town's annual rose growing competition. How about you?" she rolled her eyes good-naturedly at her fathers antics

Him. Abusive father, traumatized mother. Poverty. No funny anecdotes there.

"My mother was a witch. My father was a muggle...And is not worth mentioning" he stopped short of a full explanation.

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