Chapter three

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Lydia POV
I hear voices. I open my eyes. "Pony..soda" I say. "It's okay we are right here" pony says. "What happened" I say "well I asked if you were looked at me and then passed out" soda says. Then I remembered what happened. I touch my face. I feel blood. "Hmm it's crazy what a soc can do" I say. "C'mon lets get you cleaned up" pony says. I grab his hand and we walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. "I look like trash" I say "no you don't..your very beautiful" pony says. I look at him. "You don't mean that" I say. He grabs a cotton ball and alcohol. He wipes my face and I don't wince not even one. "Even with a cut your still beautiful" he says. I look at him. He grabs my face and kisses me. "Thanks really know how to make a girl feel special" I say. I give him a hug. I kiss his cheek and walk out. "I look like trash huh?" I say to the boys. " better shut up..or I'm gonna have to do it myself" Dally says "do it then?" I say. He stands up. He starts walking towards me. I take a step back. He smirks at me. He starts running. I run but he catches up to me and tackles me to the floor. He gets on top of me. "Okay you made your get off" I say "or what" he says "you don't really wanna go there" I say "test me" he says " wanted it" I say. Then I kick up my knee and hit him where the sun don't shine. Then he gets off. "Told you" I say. I stand up and walk outside. "What's wrong" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around it's pony. "I'm kind scared of him" I say "why" pony asks "I'm scared he's gonna pull some crazy move" I say. He looks at me. "Well he won't..and if he does I might just have to deal with him myself" pony says "thanks pony" I say. I give him a hug. He kisses my cheek. "Come back in" pony says "in a minute" I say. He smiles. I smile back. "Hey" I hear a voice say. I turn around it's soda. "Hey" I say back. "Let's take a walk" soda says "sure" I say. He grabs my hand and takes me some place. "It's the lot" soda says. I take a seat on the floor. We sit down. I look at him. "What's wrong" he says "what happened back there" he asks. I look at him. "I'm a little scared of dally..he kinda reminds me of bob and randy..the way he was on me" I say "I just don't think I can be around him...he might try and pull some crazy move" I say "I won't let that happen" soda says "thank you" I say "let's go home" soda says. He stands up. He grabs my hand and helps me up. I clean off my dress and we walk home. We finally reach the steps. We walk in. "What took you so long" Pony ask's "we were just talking" I say. I go sit down next to him. "Okay But before I go to bed anyone got a cancer stick" I say "you smoke" two-bit says "is that surprising" I say "it's attractive" Johnny says. He hands me a cigarette. "Anyone got a lighter" I ask. Dally comes and light my cigarette. "Thank you" I say. I walk outside. Pony comes with me. "Lydia" he says "yeah" I say "you know you really are attractive with that cut on your face or not" he says. I smile at him. "Want some" I say "sure" he says. He takes my cigarette. "So whats going on with you and soda" he says "we are just friends" I say "mhm" he says back "I swear Pony that's all we are" I say. "I don't believe you!" He yells. He storms into the house. I put out my cigarette and follow him. "What's wrong with you" Darry says. He look at pony boy, pony boy looks at me. Then storms up to the room. I follow behind him. "Pony" I say "what!" He yells. I flinch at his sudden outburst. "I promise you" I say " you promise" he says "I'll draw blood to prove it to you" I say. He looks at me. I pull out my blade. "No..oh god..I believe you" he says. I smile at him. I put my blade away. "Were you really gonna do it" he asks "yes" I say. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. He then walks downstairs. I take a deep breathe and walk down behind him. "What happened" soda says "I went crazy on her" pony says back. I look at them. "I'm going home" two-bit, Steve, Jonny, dally say. I nod my head. "It was nice meeting you" they all say "yeah you to" I say. I give them a hug goodbye. They give me a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Then they walk out. I sit on the couch. "You could sleep in the room" soda says "I'll sleep on the couch" soda says again "no..I'll take the couch" I say "no..I insist" soda says "but" I say "no buts" soda says. Pony grabs my bag and leads me to the room. "I'll sleep on the floor" pony says "can I take a shower" I say "sure it's just down the hall" pony says. I grab my bag and walk to the bathroom. I start the shower. I grab my pjs outta my bag. I strip down. I clean my body. I dry myself off . I slip on my bra and underwear. I then slip on my white short shorts and my white top. I dry my hair with the towel. I comb it out. I put my stuff in the bag. I walk back to the room. I put the bag in the floor. "hey pony" I say "yeah" he answers back "where do I put the towel" I say "um downstairs in the hamper" he says "I'll be back" I say. I walk out of the room. I shut the door behind me. I walk downstairs. "Soda" I say "hmm" I hear a respond back "where do I put the towel" I ask. He stands up and walks over to me. He grabs the towel out of my hand. The throws it in the little corner. I walk to the kitchen. I grab my cup from the counter and pour water. I take a drink. "Those shorts are a little to short don't you think" I hear soda say. I turn around "no" I say "I never think" I say again. "Mhm" soda says. I smile at him. "Goodnight soda" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek "goodnight princess" he respond back. I walk up to the room. I open the bedroom door. I shut it. I climb into bed. "Pony you still awake" I say "mhm" he responds back "I can't sleep..come up here" I say "you sure" he says "yes" I say. He gets up from the floor and climb into bed. "What's wrong" he asks "nothing..I just can't sleep" I say. He wraps his arm as around my waist. I scoot closer to his body. I look at him. He leans in. The same as I do. Our lips touch. He moves to my jawline. To my neck. "Pony" I say "hmm" he responds still kissing me. He looks up at me. I kiss his lips. I hug him. "Goodnight Pony" I say "goodnight princess " he says kissing the top of my head. That's all I remember. I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Stuck  in the middleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora