The lady in Red

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror and I took in everything that was me with a judging eye, so analytical. But that's just who I am. There is always that one part of me that questions me being with Mason. As if I'm not pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough.
The whole relationship was bringing my self esteem down and not the other way around.
I turned around to show Mason the dress, he looked at the dress for a while. My dress was a teal colored long sleeved dress with a long v- line in the middle. It was simple but so pretty.

- what do you think? How does it look on me?
He took another second looking me up and down which kind of made me uncomfortable, but I didn't let him know that.

- the color is too boring. The dress is too simple and the cleavage is too much, you kind of look slutty.

There goes another blow straight to my already down self-esteem.

- you could have just said you didn't like it Mason!

- I was just honest, or was that too hard on your pretty little brain to take???

I saw him stand up and make his way towards me. And I looked down immediately, I felt like a coward when I was with him. So scared, so pathetic, so vulnerable.

He stood right in front of me his face inches away, I can actually smell the liquor he poured down his throat a while ago.

- also Emily its making you look fat! Front and back!

And before he left the room he made sure that my face hurt and so did my arms. With his death grip on them and the tears in my eyes that he just loved seeing.
Now I always wished this would be just another dream, that none of that is real, that he isn't my  fiancé. That I never said yes to him when he asked me to merry him. That I didn't crush on my best friend all these years while I'm with Mason.

I felt so tired of reality, so tired that I wanted to sleep it off and dive into a new dream one where Mason is not my fiancé and one where Chris is there.
I looked at the time and saw that it was only 8:40 pm. So I changed out of the dress and got into a pair of comfortable pajamas and went straight to sleep.

I'm in the middle of a dancing stage and I was wearing a red dress it was beautiful. I felt beautiful. I looked around to see if I was here alone or with someone and found half of the eyes on me. Some with lust, others with adoration. I didn't like the attention all of a sudden and felt so out of place until I heard a whisper to my ear.

-" hey gorgeous"
I almost melted in the spot at how sincere Chris's voice sounded.
-" hey... Chris" . Oh my god I was stuttering like a fool.
He then turned me around so that I was facing him and stared deep into my eyes with so much love.

- you look beautiful tonight. Red looks so good on you. And I feel like I might have to kill somebody tonight!

- kill? Why?
- look around Emily every eye is on you tonight! I feel so proud and also very defensive at the moment.
He chuckled, and I actually died a little at how this felt so surreal. He took my hand and we started dancing. I danced like I haven't before, all the previous thoughts thrown out of my head and the only thing present is the feeling of Chris dancing with me and staring hard at everyone that does stare at me. My dreams are the only place I've been affectionate in with Chris. No matter what the dream is I would end up loving him and in some of them he returns that love so strongly that it feels so real.

- Chris?
- mhmm
His eyes looked down at me and then they were filled with worry .
- is everything ok baby?

Oh goddess this is too much I can't take this he is awesome. I love him! I love him! Oh goddess I love him that's it. I love him not Mason. So I don't have to deal with Mason when I wake up.

- I love you Chris, and this is not just because the spur of the moment I truly love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life.

He stared at me for a few seconds as if contemplating his next words. His pause made my heartbeat slow down. Chris leaned down and whispers the words in my ears.
- I love you too, you are my best friend, my soulmate, my other half, my better half, my lady in Red.
I blushed hard at those truthful words and hugged him for a long time.

As the sun made its way through my window and to my face I slowly woke up. Feeling more than happy and pleased with the dream I just had. This was one of the good dreams thankfully. Whatever Mason broke Chris fixed through those dreams.
I wanted to see him today, and I mean actually see him and not the see him in my dreams kind of ways. In reality meeting Chris is exhilarating, exiting, the thrill is beautiful. The butterflies feeling is around every time he is there.

Here goes another chapter hope you liked it
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