yes you can love the man said.

um w-what is your name I asked.I was kinda scared of him because I don't know him.

my name is Louis he said.

oh i said.I have to get mom is probably worrired u said while getting up.

OK I will drive you Louis said.he grabbed the car keys and left out of the house.

so where do you live Louis asked.

I live on 4565 Washington avenue i said.we drove in silence.we reached there in two minutes.

right here I said.he pulled up in my drive way.

thanks Louis I said.he is such a nice gentlemen.

OK see you later Louis said.I got out of the car.I walked up to door and looked back.I saw him wave and I waved back.I then went inside.

mom I'm home I said yelling across the room.

hi Taylor brown she said.she only calls me by my first and last name when she is mad.

why did you not go to school today she asked me.

I fell and hit my head and I fell incautious for  8 hours .then this boy name Louis took care of me I only lied about one part.

what boys she asked.she is getting even madder than before.

its a boy from school I lied.

Louis p.o.v

I dropped her off and left.I went to  turn on the radio and I saw her phone.I turned the car around and went to her house.

I arrived there in one minute.I pulled up to her drive way.

I walked up to her door and knocked on it.

I'll get it mom I screamed through the house.I went to the door and opened it.I could no believe my eyes it was Louis.

hi Louis why are you here she asked in a polite voice.

oh you forgot it in my car l said.

oh thanks so much Taylor said.

your welcome give me a big hug he said in a funny mad face.

I gave him a big hug like he said.we then backed up.

um Taylor can I plzz get your number so we can call and text eachother everyday I asked.I really liked her.she gave me her number and we hugged. I then left.

Taylor p.o.v

Louis came back to give back my phone.I had left it in his phone.

who was that my mom asked.

oh that was Louis my friend I said.I kinda liked him.I went upstairs to take a shower.

30 minutes later.

I got out the shower and got changed. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen.

mom are you cooking tonight or are we going out to eat I asked.

we are going out to dinner.and since your friend took care of you while you got knocked out on the floor he is invited my mom said.can u plzz call him and tell him my mom said.

I went upstairs to my room, grabbed my phone and dialed his number.after three rings he picked up.

hello Louis said.

hey its Taylor I said.

oh hey love are u OK Louis asked.

yes I'm my mom wants to know IG u want to go out to dinner with us.she said because u took care of me from what happened earlier today I said.I hope he says yes so I can know him better.

sure u will love to.I can even get yo know u better Louis said.he is so excited.

OK be here in 30 minutes i said.I was so excited.I went to my room and rushed to take a shower because we were leaving in 30. i only took five minutes in the shower.I then got out and got changed into a red dress with black heels.

mom I'm ready I said.I went downstairs to see my mom ready watching TV.

mom are u OK I asked.

yes why she asked.

oh I don't know I was borad I said.after three minutes later the door bell rang.

I'll get is mom i yelled through the house.even tho my mom was right there.I went to the door and opened it.

hello I said.

hey love Louis said.

here come in I said.I directed him to the livingroom.

hi mom this is Louis and Louis this is my mom I said he had a big smile.

hi miss brown.its very nice to meet you Louis said.he is soooo kind.

OK kids are you guys ready my mom asked.

yes me and Louis yelled together. haha twins.we got in the car and drove off.

skipping car ride

were here my mom was really fancy.we got out the car and started to walk.

wow this is pretty I was sooooo fancy.

yeah its so pretty just like you Louis said.I guess he was trying to say it in his head.

oops did I say that out loud Louis asked.

yeah you kinda did me and my mom said while laughing.Louis started blushing.

awwww Louis is blushing me and my mom said at the same time.we finally got inside and the man that worked here came to us.

hey guys how may I help you the man asked.

three seats please my mom said.


hey guys.this for the reads for my other stories. can u plzz vote and comment on this story.

I actually loved writing this chapter.

bye birdies ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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