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"You want to see real sexism? Be a woman in the Army, okay? You got a 22-year-old white boy from South Carolina marching behind you going, 'Is it hot out here or is it you?' Of course it was hot out there

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"You want to see real sexism? Be a woman in the Army, okay? You got a 22-year-old white boy from South Carolina marching behind you going, 'Is it hot out here or is it you?' Of course it was hot out there. It was a freaking desert. But you wanna know how I dealt with that bobo? By being a better soldier than him. And eventually, that's how they saw me, not as a woman at all." Penelope explained.

"I would prefer to die. Yo, no entiendo como these men and women all want to be the same. We should celebrate our differences. I would never trade these for that." Lydia points at herself and then to Schneider.

"Mami." Penelope sighed at her mother.

"No, no, I agree with her. Everybody wants to see those.  Nobody wants to see this." Schneider said pointing at himself, then to the older Cuban.

"Okay, everyone stop gesturing!" Penelope exclaimed as there were children in the room.

"Mom, I am not talking about old people's sexism."

"Okay." Penelope chuckled at her daughter.

"It's actually more subtle now. Men assert their power through microaggressions and mansplaining." Elena told her mother.

"Oh, mansplaining. Is that like manscaping? I just learned that and I love it." Lydia asked them happily.

"No, mansplaining, is when a-" Elena was cut off.

" It's when a man explains something to a woman that she already knows, but he acts like he's teaching her. Does that make sense? What? I was just explaining what mansplaining-- Oh, wow!" Schneider exclaimed when he saw the looks the women were giving him.

Sophia was taking everything in, she thought about those things that happened to her before she came to America.

"Elena, microaggressions and all this little crap. If I got bent out of shape every time a man said something stupid, you wouldn't be here." Penelope said to her oldest.

" Mom! This is a real problem. The sexism I'm talking about is all the little disrespectful things that men do that-" Elena tried to argue, but was cut off by the Canadian.

"That they don't even realize. Sorry, I cut you off. Talk as long as you want. Not that you need my permission. I'm just You know what? I'd like to hear from the ladies. Women. Females. You guys. Not guys, humans." Schneider spazzed out after cutting off Elena.

"Wow, you broke Schneider." Sophia mused, looking at her guardian.

"Mom, this stuff might not seem like a big deal, but it chips away at you. You gotta call Scott out." Elena tried to explain to her mother.

"Why would I waste my time?"

"That is right. You will never win men over by confronting them. You flirt with them. You hypnotize them. And then you do whatever the hell you want. And then they will think they are the boss, but really, you are the boss." Lydia said to everyone like they should know that information.

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