Chapter Three

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The Toronto Pearson International Airport teemed with people who all seemed in a hurry to get to their various destinations and Georgia, ─ she'd never felt more uncomfortable. Sitting there in the airport lounge she repressed feelings of being an imposter. What, with the way people kept staring at her as though there was something on her face, she was beginning to feel like every bit of the foreigner she was. Not to mention how small she also felt in the massive airport.

Georgia's only experience with an airport this big was when she was twelve years old getting ready to leave Florida for Costa Rica. It had been her first and only time that she'd travelled until now. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. Maybe travelling all the way out here on her own wasn't such a good idea after all.

Georgia sighed. What on God's earth did you get me into Sammy?

And as if her thoughts journeyed all the way back home as courtesy of her own personal airmail, Georgia's phone stashed in the pocket of her blue Adelaide turtleneck sweater dress, blared to the song Who You Say I Am by Hillsong.

Georgia dug it out and smiled at Samantha's name flashing across the screen. She answered, "I don't like you right now."

"Buenos días, chica!" Samantha's excitement rolled over the speaker of Georgia's iPhone. "What's there to dislike?"

Georgia rolled her eyes. "I've been sitting here feeling as though I am a squashed insect under someone's shoe!"

"Girl, please... they're only staring because you're muy bonito, honey." Samantha's accent sounded heavily over the line the way it usually did whenever she was upset. "You need to promise me you'll stop being so negative about things and enjoy yourself. Sí ?"

Georgia sighed again as she watched a family of five run past her. They looked like they were late for a flight or something.

"Sure, thing Sammy," she muttered.

Samantha's tone lightened. "Gracias. Make sure you send me an email or something when you get settled in your cabin. I want to hear all about it!"

Georgia chucked and promised her friend that she'd send pictures and details of everything.

"And send my love to Tony," she said referring to her friend's long-term boyfriend. The two were engaged to be married in December and Samantha was over the moon at the thought of having a Christmas wedding. Georgia was going to re-decorate the church where it would be held.

"It's an opportunity to show off your talent," Samantha had said knowing that Georgia's dream was to start her own company in wedding design.

Without a doubt, Georgia was ecstatic for her friend, but, like most single women who dreamt of being married off like a princess in the fairy-tales, she couldn't help but feel a little envious.

After the conversation ended, she slipped the phone back into the pocket of her dress. Inside the lobby of the airport was cold from the air-conditioning and she was glad she decided to wear a pair of comfy leggings under her outfit. The camp counsellor who was scheduled to collect her from the airport wasn't due until eleven. It was only ten thirty as Georgia's flight had landed earlier than expected.

Deciding to take advantage of the extra time on her hands, Georgia dug into her brown Austin backpack occupying the chair next to her and pulled out her leather journal. It was her favourite one ─ the one in which she liked to write her thoughts and prayers to God. Georgia had a lot on her mind recently and she needed to talk to Jesus about the days going forward.

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