Mister Sutcliff

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You flicked your tail, nibbling a small pastry you had gotten for breakfast in your first period class of highschool. One of your ears arched backward, catching the voice of the man you had hated for years. 

"His hair- Oh, black as a raven- His eyes- So cruel and beautiful with the dark crimson~" Mr. Sutcliff swooned, drawing a rather bad sketch of 'Bassy' on the chalkboard. You rolled your eyes. 

Yet another day of stalking or learning about 'Bassy.'

One of the reasons you hated Grell.

He was so obsessive about Bassy, he even let it affect his teaching. Millions of photos of the butler covered the back wall. 

"Today; Class, we'll be learning the body structure- of a man~!" He said, rubbing himself all over seductivley as the class looked away in disgust. "Particuary Bassy's~" Sutcliff added, adjusting his glasses. Adrianna raised her hand, annoyance shaping her movements. Grell called on her.

"How many Grells does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" She asked, looking at you as your cue. You jumped up, ears twitching and tail waving;

"None! He's nuts!" You shouted out as the class burst into laughter. You and Adrian high- fived, laughing, as Grell's intense angry gaze met yours.

"Sit down F/n!" He shouted angrily. He shot daggers in his gaze at Adrian. "Adrian, go to the office." He strutted and plopped down in his desk, furiously writing with his red pen. Your tail drooped, flicking questioningly. One of the other kids shouted out.

"That's not fair! Why does F/n get out of trouble?" They had always assumed Grell had favored you, so any time he did any kindness that didn't involve them they always questioned. He looked up, stuttering and a... Blush? Was that a blush??! Your eyes stretched wide as his gaze met yours, causing your faces to both drench in crimson.

"W- Well, F/n isn't the one who started it." 

"Seems legit." Some other kid reasoned, tapping a purple pencil on the desk. Your gazes both locked together, your ears hot, and your tail fluffed up, he finally looked away, standing up.

"Change of plans. F/n, see me after school." He said curtly as the rest of the class nodded in agreement.


You nervously walked into his class, tail tucked inbetween your legs and ears downward. Your cheeks flushing a red, you quietly knocked at Sutcliff's door.

"Come in." A voice answered; Grell's voice.

You creaked the door open, mewing as you walked in, shaking from DA INTENSITIES. 

((Sorry I had to. XD))

Suddenly- The door shut and locked behind you. Just as you turned you were wrapped in crimson arms and warmth. Steady breathing was heard as your face went from red to crimson, looking up to see the face of no other than Grell's.

"Darling.. F/n.." He whispered, holding you tightly. Your ears still down, you didn't move. You coudn't. Somehow; The man you had hated; The one who was holding you; You had felt something for. As you began to reconise your feelings, you whispered his name back, slowly wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Mister Sutcliff.." 

"Don't call me that.." He said, squeezing you. "Call me Grell.. Just Grell." He warmly soothed.

"Okay.. Grell." You spoke, hugging him tighter. 

"I have a confession to make." 

((That's why he called you after school Reader- Chan. *^*))

"Y- Yes?" You asked gently, looking at him.

"I love you." He said, blushing.

Your feelings.

You knew them now.

"I love you too, Grell."

Mister Sutcliff (Grell x Neko! Reader ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now