2. Morning Coffee

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Mike's POV

Lynne: ''So how was your Fourth?''

She asked as I took a sip of my coffee.

Me: ''My fourth what?''

Lynne: ''Fourth of July. Don't be an ass. Some people do take holidays, you know.''

Me: ''Yes I know. I stayed in.''

I wanted to be alone. Since the death of the first lady, I was not the same. People say that it was not my fault, but I knew that it was.

Voice: ''Mike.''

Said the voice that I would recognize anywhere. I quickly look up and saw her.

Me: ''Evelyn.''

Evelyn's POV

Mike: ''Evelyn.''

I saw a shock in his eyes. Well, I did not know that he would be here at this hour. It has been months since I last saw him. As much as I was angry with him, I couldn't help myself not to smile. He stood up.

Me: ''It's nice to see you, Mike.''

I was trying so hard not to cry. I missed him like crazy. Every day when I needed him the most he was not there. I have never blamed him for my mother's death and I never will because it was an accident.

Mike: ''It's nice to see you too Evelyn.''

I wanted to go to him and hug him like I did the last day before he left. I still have my feelings for him. The feelings that I will never get the chance to tell him. I looked at Lynne.

Me: ''Good morning Lynne. Enjoying morning coffee?''

Lynne: ''Of course and I see that you are enjoying yours.''

With my right hand, I was holding a cup of black coffee with two sugars. Today was going to be a busy day for me and I needed a strong coffee to keep me in the game.

Mike's POV

As I look down Evelyn's neck I saw the necklace that I gave her. She was still wearing it.

Roma: ''Mike.''

Me: ''Roma. How are the kids?''

I asked as we shook hands.

Roma: ''Good. They are growing.'' 

Me: ''That's good. O'Neill.''

I and O'Neill shook hands.

O'Neill: ''Hey Banning. You're looking sharp.''

I could feel Evelyn's eyes on me.  I was trying so hard not to tell her the real reason that I left. Yes, I left because I was blaming myself for her mother's death, but that was just part of the reason that I let. I left because I fell desperately in love with her. She was beautiful from inside and out. I left because I did not want to lose our friendship. But I did not know that I lost her the moment that I left. I promised her that I will always be there for her. But I left her and she will never forgive me.

O'Neill: ''So we missed you for, poker, last week. Where were you? Missed taking you money.''

Me: ''I know. I've been working on the last shift. Yeah, non-stop action over there at the Treasury.''

Roma: ''You gotta do what you gotta do.''

Evelyn's POV

As I look back at Mike I saw that he was wearing my watch. Did he notice my necklace?

Mike: ''You guys got a big day coming up, huh? You got the Koreans coming in?''

O'Neill: ''Nah, I mean you know. Business as usual.''

Me: ''Yes.''

Mike looked at me. Even taught Mike was not working for us anymore I trusted him more the I trusted anyone. O'Neill looked at me and I looked at him.

O'Neill: ''Hey, this is Agent Jones. You've heard of Mike Benning, haven't you?''

Jones: ''Oh yes, The guy who told the Speaker of the House to go fuck himself.''

I smile came on my face when I remembered that time when he said that.

Lynne: ''How do you speak in Evelyn's present? And don't you guys have somewhere to be?''

Me: ''Don't worry Lynne, and you are right. We must get going or we will be late.''

I said as I look at her. Then I look at Mike.

Mike's POV

Evelyn: ''Well it was nice to see you again Mike.''

Me: ''You to Evelny.''

She gave me a smile and then left with others. I did not want her to leave. But I know that she will never be mine. As I set back down I look back through the window. I saw here how she sat in limousine and drow away from me.

Me: ''I want to go back.''

I said and took a seep of my coffee.

Lynne: ''Because of the action or because of her?''

Me: ''You know me too well.''

Lynne: ''I saw the looks that you guys gave each other. You like her and she like's you. I ain't blind.''

Me: ''How is she?''

Lynne: ''She is okay. Missing her mother, helping her father, and trying to be a good daughter.''

Me: ''She was that from the first day that I saw her.''

Lynne: ''She is missing her partner in crime.''

Me: ''I left her when she needed me the most. She will never forgive me.''

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