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"Fucking bullshit man." I get up from my bed, Only remembering last nights office visit. "Danielle huh. I didn't even get her number. Strip clubs suck." I open my wallet. Empty. I shake my head as I remember all the nonsense I spent my money on. I sit at the edge of my bed and I look around my room. My walls have been the same pastel peach color ever since I moved in as well as the burgundy carpet. I sigh as I get up, slide into my sandals, grab my green and black robe, and walk to my dresser. A used grey record player sits with the "Bleach" record from Nirvana in place. I smile and press play on my record player. The first song plays. I then walk to my kitchen. It's not as big as I'd hope but it's enough for me. I can faintly remember the days I spent with my father making the kitchen cabinets. "Cereal, milk, and some tv" I say. I feel a fluffy tail wrap around my leg. It's my cat, Nermal. Her eyes close as I pet her black, white, and orange coat. I smile and tell her she'll get food next.

After feeding my cat, I take a bowl out of the white cabinets and place it on the mahogany table my father made. I make my way to the silver fridge and take out a gallon of milk. Next to the fridge is the pantry where I take out a box of cereal. I walk to the dish rack and grab a clean spoon. After preparing a quick breakfast I grab the bowl and go to my bed room. I try to entertain myself with mindless cable TV and it works, at least for the duration of my meal. Commercials, crappy sitcoms, and more commercials. I feel Nermal lay down next to me. Her presence makes me remember that I had a phone. I briskly place my dishes in the kitchen sink and I come back to look for my phone. It's a red smartphone I got a year ago. I got a call from my friend Alejandro. Wondering about the nature of his call, I call him back.

"David! Hey man I called you like half an hour ago!"
"Listen man, it's 7:30 in the morning. I literally just got up" I say
"Well get dressed because me and Hazel are gonna pick you up in 15 minutes."
"Ok...are we picking up?"
"Hell yeah, get a five and we'll go to the shop"
"Alright, ill see you soon"

With that done, I move out of my bed room and into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror to see a reflection of myself. "A solid 7 on most days. An 8 for good days" I say as I look at my acne. I shake my head and walk to my dresser. I take out a navy blue long sleeve, some white socks, black boxers, and black jeans from their respective drawers. After getting dressed I take out some black boots from my closet, I strap them on, and I walk to the mirror that rests on the surface of my dresser. It's standing against the wall facing my bed. There I comb my hair back with gel. My phone notifies me of Alejandro's text message: "we here ho". I smile and grab my wallet from on top of the dresser. As I lock the door to my house, I look to see that Alejandro has already parked in the driveway. In the passenger seat was Hazel, and in the back seat was a stranger. I walk to the car and get in the back seat.

"What's going on everyone?"
"Whaddup foo, this is Gyra" says Alejandro

Gyra waves at me and I smile as I wave back

"So man, we headed to the shop?" I ask.
"You know it."
"Shop?" Questions Hazel.
"The weed dispensary" Clarifies Gyra.
"Yeah Hazel, get with the program" I tease

The four of us laugh as Alejandro pulls out of the drive way and stars going down the street. The car ride is full of party stories, people we find attractive, and the casual sex talk. I remember talking to Gyra about my record player.

"What do you listen to David?"
"I like to listen to whatever's good. Recently I've been into punk rock and grunge"
Gyra smiles.
"Yeah this guy is a fucking loner" says Alejandro.
"Hey fuck you, you stupid fat bitch" I reply
Again, we all laugh.
"Anyway Gyra, what music do you listen to?" I ask.
Stifling a laugh, gyra responds, "Rap and indie"

We continue to talk about music until Hazel brings up going to the view after picking up. We all agree, just in time too, we had arrived at the shop.

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