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Courtney POV

Since nia told me they were faking tess injury im telling raven and see what she does . i can't wait till i get tess .

C- miss baxter i have to tell u sum

R- what's up but make it quick i need to go say sorry to tess and nia

C- yeah that is what im talking about u see nia , tess and the rest of them tricked u into thinking that tess broke her foot when really she didn't when they walked out they went to the car and went out to eat then came back with fake crutches .

R- wow okay that son of a bitch . uh courtney didn't u invite miles .

C- yeah so ?

R- he likes nia .

C- and ?

R- gosh your slow , im saying tell miles. To go to nia and kiss her when tess is not around . when tess sees her kissing someone else she will break up with nia and everything will be perfect.

C- how are we gonna get them away from each other

R- Don't worry i got this

Raven and courtney stands by the drinks watching nia and tess dance on each other and laugh until tess went to the bathroom . as soon as tess left Courtney went and told miles the plan.

Miles - * walks up to nia

N- hey miles

M- hey look im sorry for what im about to do

N - what

Miles pulls nia in and kisses her. Nia doesn't kiss back instead she tries to get out his grip . they finally let go when they heard a crash and the music stopped

T - ( on the verge of tears ) really nia

N- its not what it looks like

T- i don't wanna hear it ( walks away )

N- u see what u did miles just get away from me. * walks in the room

Nia walks in the room to see tess on the couch crying .

N- baby its not what it looked like he walked up to me and kissed me i tried to get away but he had a grip on me

T - i wanna believe you nia but i have been cheated on to many times to know the difference . i just need some time alone .

N- okay u can stay in here and i will sleep on the living room couch .

T- no i need actual space . im going to spend a night at my bros dorm since he is the only one in there . i will come back tomorrow some time

N - babe please don't leave

T- i will see u tomorrow .

Tess walks out the room with a bag of clothes , her phone , and her charger . she says bye to every one and walks passed nia and miles as they were arguing on why he kissed her . tess couldn't quite catch it but the last words she heard on her way out the door is. " i was made to do this but i have feelings for you "


Sorry if its not good im sick and was just trying to get a chapter out of the way cause i was suppose to make a chapter every day from christmas to january 1 but i got sick right after christmas and now im sick again . but i hope u liked my chapter and please feel free to give me ideas i will always take them . one more thing and it might sound weird but i need answers. Please comment if u want tess to use her fingers , her mouth , her private , or a strap on when her and tess have intercourse see u later babies

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