Chapter 4

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A soft tapping at your window signaled for you to get up and open it. You knew it was your owl... and you knew exactly what he had.

It was another letter from Draco.

You took it from her, giving thanks before she flew back out the window.

After watching her go you turned back to the letter in your hand.

You did with it as you did the others.

Place them in a neat pile on your bedside table, unable to bring yourself to read them at all.

You quickly counted and found that you now had five. One for each day that had passed since you'd ran out of the manor like an idiot. You didn't necessarily regret your decision but the way that it had happened was quite embarrassing to think back on.

It would be a lie to say that you weren't terribly curious to know what he'd said in the letters... and yet the fear of finding out overwhelmed you far more. So, they sat untouched.

You knew you had to read them eventually... especially with school starting up again the next day. You would have to see Scorpius. It's not like you could avoid a student after all. How could you see him nearly every day and never even reply to his father's owls? It seemed too cruel... and yet there was a voice inside your head screaming at you to just run away and leave all your problems to pile up until the very end.

You weren't even sure that Scorpius would speak to you again let alone lead to some kind of confrontation tomorrow... but all the what-ifs still rang clear in your head.

So with heavy eyes and a rapidly beating heart you laid down on your bed and waited anxiously for tomorrow to come.


The next day came quicker than you could have anticipated. Each moment leading up to your class with Scorpius felt like it was whizzing by you.

Now here you were... and here he was... and there was that awkward tension that filled the air.

How he must think of you after walking in on you snogging his dad rather feverishly.

This was like your personal hell.

But of course, you were a professor first and therefor you had an obligation to keep your personal affairs out of things. The best that you could anyways.

Somehow you had made it through the class in one piece, your composure never slipping. Or so you hoped.

You were just in the middle of organizing some papers when a cough sounded from the doorway.

Looking up you felt all the nervousness and insecurity rush back to you as you saw who was waiting there for you.

It was Scorpius.

He had stayed behind the rest of the class and was now waiting here to speak with you... but to say what?

Was he here to tell you off?

Was he mad?

Was he in anguish and here to ask you why you did it?

The possibilities were endless and your restless mind rambled on as he stood there waiting for his invitation back in.

"Please come in," you said, clearly hearing the way your voice wavered.

He wore a completely neutral expression as he walked towards you.

"Professor... there's something I'd like to talk to you about" he began smoothly.

You were unable to reply as he continued.

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