Chapter 3

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Words couldn't properly describe the feeling that hung in the air between you and Neville. Mere seconds had passed since he'd confessed to you yet it felt like an eternity. You could feel the way your palms started to sweat and cheeks flush from embarrassment.

You slowly pulled your hand away from Neville's and internally winced at the painful expression that flashed across his eyes as you did so.

You weren't sure exactly what words to say in order to be the most delicate, but you knew that you owed him honesty. The same honesty that he had been bold enough to give you.

"Neville..." you started with a deep intake of breath.

He stared back into your eyes with a look that said he was ready to be rejected.

You felt terrible about that... but his sense was keen, to say the least.

"I appreciate all you've done for me... all the times you've been there to help and lift my spirits. You're an amazing person and I truly couldn't have asked for a better friend" you said the last part a little unsteadily' knowing very well that it would probably hurt him.

But you couldn't lie. It was wrong to lead someone on... he deserved better.

"Perhaps in a different scenario, I would be able to return your feelings... and I really wish that I could do so now. But I have to be fair to you... and to myself" you swallowed the lump in your throat as you admitted something out loud that you had previously been denying for so long. "I'm afraid that I'm taken with someone else" you spoke a little too loudly; the nerves clearly hitting you.

Neville's face was visibly defeated as he asked you the next obvious question.

"W-who is it?"

You nervously glanced down to the table before slowly opening your mouth to answer. You knew that as soon as it left your mouth it was completely real.

"You know my student's father that I had become friends with? The one I had mentioned before... It's him" you admitted.

You purposely avoided saying Draco's name. You were fully aware of his past reputation and you'd heard from Neville himself about how "that kids dad sure gave me a hell of a time in school" while referring to Scorpius. So mentioning his name... seemed like it would only rub salt in the wound.

"I see..." was all Neville responded with before shifting his gaze to the ceiling; transfixed on absolutely nothing. "Have you told him?" he asked abruptly.

Your eyes widened in shock as you turned the question over in your head.

"I... haven't told him anything" you choked out.

Neville gave a kind of hum in response before he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Well... If I were you I wouldn't wait much longer to tell him... if it's coming from you... there's no way he could refuse" he said with a smile.

You only stared back at him in mild shock as you took in his words. How could someone be so kind? It was really beyond you. Realizing this a wave of anxiousness washed over you as you felt somewhat responsible for this situation. He didn't deserve to be turned down so flatly after all.

"Neville... Listen, I'm sorry if I led you on all this time. I truly didn't mean to give you the wrong Idea I-" you were cut off by the sound of Neville letting out a little chuckle.

The sound cut through the air so cleanly and yet you could tell without a doubt that it was bittersweet.

You looked up to meet his eyes that were now on you and found him smiling at you sadly.

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