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80,849 likes @camarimarais- you guys are mad over nothing

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@camarimarais- you guys are mad over nothing. We have comments turned off to protect our daughter from all the hateful stuff some people says. When I first announced the pregnancy you guys thought I was doing it for fame. You thought I was doing it to break up why don't we, but I didn't. Jonah AND I decided we wanted to try for one and see what happens well this happened. A BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY baby girl. I'm so so proud of what we have accomplished this year. We don't need anyone's negativity against us or Charlotte.

For those of those who supports us, thank you for all the kind words. Thank you for taking up for us and Charlotte. Also, you can call her anything you want. We either call her Charlotte, lottie, char, or Alaina you can call her anything but those. Those are our names for our baby. Yes we will be having more because she's such a good baby we want more. I do miss being pregnant but I'm so glad to have my little bug here with me now.

For Lottie, I'm so glad you came when you did. I'm glad we decided to try for one. I'm so excited to watch you grow into a beautiful girl. Thank you for making me a mommy. Thank you for being the best little baby possible. ❤️

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