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Dahyun threw her phone, hitting into the wall and tumbling to the floor. The tears came, quickly wetting her hands as she placed them over her face.

She knew Momo loved him. She wanted to be happy for her, she really did. But her breaking heart wouldn't allow her.

Dahyun had fallen hard for the girl, she loved her with all her heart. She thought Momo had shared her feelings, but she was wrong.

'I'm such a fucking idiot'

She banged her fist against the wall.

'I hate myself'

She punched the wall, her knuckles beginning to bleed.

'I hate you! I hate you heart!'

She continued to bang on the wall, it had a considerable about of blood splattered across it.

She stopped, grabbing her wallet and sneaking out of her room past her unnies who were watching a movie and out of the front door. Closing it behind her she ran, and ran and ran until she reached the desired place.

It was a club.

She entered, ordering a bottle of tequila and chugging it down. Ordering another she left, walking into the nearby woods she slumped down by a tree.

Taking huge gulps of the hard drink she started getting dizzy, nauseous, and very ill.

She had an alcohol overdose and was now suffering the consequences.

But she loved the pain, how her head began to pound. She thought of Momo, shattering the bottle against the tree. Picking up a shard she stabbed into her arm, blood trickling down onto the grass below. She took it out and drove it back into her arm. It now profusely bleeding, staining her jeans a dark red.

She was starting to get extremely dizzy, having trouble keeping up with her surroundings she stood up, leaving the glass on the bloody ground she ran.

Her slightly impaired vision wasn't able to detect the roots of a tree, toppling over she threw up. As the world span out her eyes shut closed as her body desperately tried to counter the tons of alcohol streaming in her body.

'I wonder why Dahyun didn't come for the movie.' Mina thought as it was getting good.

'I hope she's alright, maybe I'll go check on her.' Mina stood up.

"Hey guys, I'll go check on Dahyun. Maybe she'll come watch the rest of it." With her members nod of approval she made her way over to the pale girl's room.

Slowly opening the door, she looked around but the tofu was nowhere to be seen. She turned on the lights and yelled, seeing the blood on the somewhat cracked wall.

"What is it?! Is she-" Nayeons voice was cut of as she witnessed the wall.

"Guys? Is everything oka- OH MY GOD." Chaeyoung's hand went to her mouth.

Lies and Deception. MihyunWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt