Chapter 5 - Brotherhood

Start from the beginning

"Uhm, Seto how long have you been working?", he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Probably some minutes. Why?"

"So you didn't sleep at all? That explains a lot because it's already 8 am and time for breakfast. That's why I came to get you. Didn't you notice the time passing?"

I look at the watch and notice that it really is almost 8 am. Shit, I didn't notice how fast time was passing again. At least I wasn't wasting time with something unessential as sleep and rather finished my PowerPoint for the launch.

"Seto? Were you listening?"

"Yes, of course."

"So, you want to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"What's going on! You seem to be spacing out a lot frequently, you miss meetings and are coming later to work and home than usual. You work all the time but I feel like your not really focused. What's wrong, big brother?"

Mokuba is standing infront of my desk, arms folded and frowning. It's been a while since he has talked to me like this. Especially for Mokuba this is rare. He must be actually concerned.

I slowly get up and walk around my desk, towards him.

"Mokuba, let's go have breakfast. You must be hungry." I place my hand on his back and try to lead him out.

"I won't move an inch until you tell me what her name is."

"What are you talking about? There is no girl involved. You know me."

"Because I know you so well I'm a hundred percent sure that there is a girl. Is she pretty?"

"Mokuba drop it."

"Oh, she must be gorgeous. Have you kissed her already?"

I freeze for a second thinking about Ariana's lips and the way she smiled afterwards.

"Oh my God, Seto! You had your first kiss and didn't tell me?!"

"Mokuba I hate repeating myself so either you drop it right now or you are grounded."

"You never let me be a part of your life! Why are you so mean to me? You used to be my best friend and tell me everything, but now you just treat me like your other employees."

He starts pouting. Why does he always have to be this way? He knows exactly that I hate seeing him unhappy. He is using my soft spot against me.

"I'll tell you at breakfast."

He immediately lightens up and runs out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

We sit down and Mrs Demi brings us our breakfast. Mokuba patiently waits until she exits the room before looking at me with his huge eyes.


"Right off the bat, I won't tell you her name or other specific details no matter how much you beg. But other than that you are free to ask one question so ask wisely," I explain.

Mokuba takes a gigantic bite out of his sandwich and looks at me while chewing.

"Do you like her?"

"Depends on what your definition is."

"I think you like someone when you want to spend time with that person and make an efforts and sacrifices to be with them and keep them. Oh and accepting all flaws and encourage their strengths and stuff like that."

"Then I like her."

"Does she like you?"

"Only one question, Mr Love-Expert. How do you even know such things?"

"Commensense, big brother," he chuckles and makes me chuckle a bit as well.

He looks at me for a second, "But I'll always be your best friend, right?", he asks.

"Of course. Forever, Mokie."

"Forever, Seto." He wraps his arms round arm. "Also just so you know, I was bluffing when I asked you about a girl. Hadn't you smiled when I asked about you kissing her, I totally would have dropped it."

We finish breakfast and Mokuba got dressed for a play date with one of his friends. I decided to give him a ride so that I can stop by Red Velvet. The only issue might be Ariana's friends. Out of tausends of people living in Domino she really had to befriend those bumbling idiots. I knew that Téa was working at the café but I didn't know that Wheeler would be there as well.

I drop off Mokuba and head to Red Velvet. As I approach the door I could only recognize Téa but not Ariana or the others. Should I still go in? Ariana has apparently told them about me so I'm not sure what to expect.

As I'm about to push the door open I change my mind and turn around. I do want to see her but not with her friends around. It's way too early to be put on the spot by them. Suddenly, as I reach in my pocket I notice my checkbook and remember that Ariana had written her email address on it. Maybe I should just text her.

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