Chapter 1: To Camp

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Author's Note: this story is actually for 10-16 year olds. This is also based off of some real-life experiences; the camp part, not the romance part, so if it sounds like a camp you've gone to before, then... Anyways, enjoy the story. Please, please please please tell me what you think about it in the comments.

"Zennzy! You came back for a second year!" I look up to see my former counselor, Erica, waving at me. "I'm doing synthesis this year, but I'm pretty sure Mike is still counselor! How are you doing?"

"Oh...I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up." We both laugh at my comment. Both of us were obsessed with The Fault In Our Stars and talked non-stop about it last year. "So, what group am I in this year? Too bad I can't be a Dim Sum Dumpling anymore."

Erica chuckles, glancing down at a list of names. "You are in Group J this year. Oh my gosh! Mike is going to be your counselor again! Oh yeah, put your stuff on the third bus."

I walk over to the bus with my stuff, yelling, "see you around" over my shoulder. I put my stuff in the storage area, keeping only my backpack with me as a carry-on. I'm extra excited this year; some of my closest friends were able to register and come.

As soon as I step onto the bus, I spot my friends: Ezmeralda Williams, Gabrielle Lui, and Maria Gomez. We have been friends all our lives, even though Brie moved to another town in third grade. Now, as rising ninth graders, we'll be seeing her every day of the week. This year will be the first year in a long time in which all of us are in the same school.

"Zen-Zen!" Ezme shouts, causing quite a few heads to turn. Ignoring them, she continues. "What took you so long?! We told you to be here early!"

I walk to her so we don't turn more heads. "Sorry. I lost track of time while I was reading."

"Reading?!? Why were you reading? You should be playing video games, beating Bowser in Super Mario Bros, building a large mansion in Minecraft, and checking your text messages for reminders from Ezme Williams!"

I sigh. Ezme is never going to change.

"Ezme, stop screaming," Brie complains. "You're turning more heads than I can count."

Maria laughs. "Ezme, leave Zen alone. I'm sure she was reading because she couldn't stop thinking about you-know-who."

I glare at my friends and plop down in a seat across the aisle while they giggle. After they finish doing their giggling thing, I look at Ria, a smirk slowly stretching across from my face.

"You know that Justin comes here for camp, right? We were in the same group last year," I grin while all the color drains out of her face.

"What?!? Why didn't you tell me! I knew I should've brought my makeup set!" Ria groans, burying her face in her hands.

Now it's my turn to giggle. I walk over and sit down next to Ria. "I was joking about him being in my group. But not about him being at camp."

We spent the next few minutes chatting. So far, my summer vacation has been off to a great start. When Maria's eyes suddenly grow as big as saucers, I know something is up. She can't stop staring at the people who have just entered the bus, so I angle my line of view toward the isle.

And that's when I see him. 

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