78. Ultimate Chase

Start from the beginning

"Der Verdächtige ist ausgebrochen. Er ist am östlichen Treppenschacht." A solider stammers into his radio. Steve destroys it.

"He's telling them we're heading downstairs." I inform angrily and leap off the railing down the way Bucky left.

Steve jumps down a level as Bucky keeps punching cops. I grab one and drown him in water and Bucky tosses the other over the railing and Steve catches him, stopping the cop from falling. He looks at Bucky wearily, "Come on, man."

"He means well." I tell as Steve throws the cop up onto the landing. Bucky breaks a banister and swings down on it.

"Don't defend me." He returns and I follow them as they swiftly move between stories. As well as defeating cops in the way. Bucky tumbles onto the lower roof of the neighboring building where he finds where his backpack. Bucky picks it up and runs. I fly after him leaving Steve to sprint eventually ahead of me.

"Who the hell is that?!" A muscular man slams into Bucky from behind, knocking him down. He looks like his design was inspired by a black cat. As if he is one, the man extends claws from his hands. He attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and scratches. Bucky fights back but is kicked into a wall. I help Bucky by sending packs of snowballs at the cat imitator and Bucky holds up a metal bar to protect himself.

"Sam, southwest rooftop." Steve commands from above. I look up and get kicked harshly in the gut before flying back.

"Who the hell's the other guy?" I hear in my ear piece.

Steve replies, "About to find out."

"Put a collar on him." I gasp in pain and lift myself up. A soldier starts firing a machine gun from a chopper above and I shield myself with ice.

Steve orders, "Sam."

"Got him." Sam flies down and shoves the chopper off course.

"They're moving forward." I exhale and start to jog after them. Bucky runs and jumps down a level when he's free from this Black Panther. The masked man slides down the wall using his claws for traction. They jump a level and I catch myself with my wind to follow. I heard a thud and see Steve roll on the ground. He leaps up and I wave slowing down to run beside him. Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk as we run. Bucky jumps down through an opening and lands in an underpass, he runs through the traffic.

"Careful Izzy." Steve prepares. Black Panther drops down and chases after Bucky and we mimic the action.

"Stand down! Stand down!" A vehicle closes in, blue lights flashing. Steve leaps onto the vehicle and splinters the windshield. The driver stops.

"Steve!" I yell shocked. Steve yanks him from the vehicle and kicks the windshield out that was damaged. I leap in passenger as instinct and Steve drives off.

We hear a thud and our car wiggles, "Him again?!" Steve swerves from side to side, trying to throw him off.

I roll down the window and try to aim my palms at him but I can't see him, "He's not in view. I'll get out."

"Stay." Steve commands, "Sam, I can't shake this guy."

Sam alerts, "Right behind you." Several police cars join the chase. Steve hits against another car and drives on. Steve drives through the barrier and the car jumps while I roll up the window.

"Smooth." I crinkle my nose as adrenaline pumps through my veins, "Now speed up."

Steve keeps on Bucky's tail who's now on a motorcycle, "I'm the driver."

"Right you're doing great." I sarcastically say when I feel a shake from the back of the car. The cat leaps onto Bucky's motorbike and Bucky flings him over his head. He struggles when the cat man is flung away but leans back straight after being too close to the side. Bucky throws a sticky bomb and blows up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble. "Shit."

"Got it." Steve tells as Black Panther leaps off from Falcon, who he was getting a ride from. The cat lands against Steve's friend and throws Bucky off the motorbike. Steve swerves through the rubble, "Follow me!"

"Ok I'll copy you." He leaps out and pulls Black Panther away from Bucky. I struggle on my feet as the car flips behind us. I run quickly as possible until I meet up with the fallen cat. Steve stands, facing the muscular suited enemy. I hear sirens and cars pull up fast and surround us all. War Machine lands down from somewhere above and raises both hands.

"Stand down, now." Bucky stands shaking beside Steve and I. Steve puts his shield onto his back, "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal.

Police move in and force Bucky to his knees. A cop moves Steve's arms behind his back and they force my hands behind mine. Black Panther retracts his claws and pulls off his mask revealing his face. Rhodey responds to the man harshly, "Your highness."

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