Chapter 2: First Day of School

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Today's my first day! I'm really nervous. What if I get bullied?! What if someone kills me?! Ok, Kaiden, calm down! You'll be fine! What's my first class?! Oh, Algebra II! Ew! I walk into class and see my teacher taking attendance.
"Oh, Kaiden stay right there!", she says to me.
"Uh, ok?", I say back. I'm confused.
"Class, this is our new student, Kaiden. Kaiden, tell the class more about yourself."
Wtf?! What am I suppose to say?! I'm already nervous as it is!
"Uh, I'm Kaiden and I'm moved here from Austin, Texas-"
"Howdy, cowboy!", interrupts this random kid.
"Ah, Josefina! You're here early!", the teacher says.
I turn to see who this Josefina was. She saved me from making a fool of myself. Woah!! She's hot! But she looks like trouble. She walks past me.
"Who dis?!", she says looking straight at me.
"This is Kaiden", says the teacher "he was just introducing himself. He's from Austin, Texas."
"Oh, cool.", she says to me. She walks to her seat, all the way in the back. I couldn't help but check her out! Woah! Do she got da booty?! She do! Her walk is sooooo sexy! Like damn!! I start biting my lip as I watched her sit in her seat. I could feel my dick getting hard! I hope no one notices me!
"Kaiden. Is there anything else you want the class to know about you?"
"Oh! Uh, nope. That's pretty much it."
"Okay! Thank you Kaiden. You may sit down now", says the teacher.
"Uh, okay. Where do I sit?", I ask.
"Wherever there's an empty seat", she says.
Of course I'm sitting in the back! The seat right next to Josefina. She gives me a look. A look I can't really describe. I look at her for a few seconds but I never make eye contact. Why is she looking at me?! Am I funny looking?! Is there spinach in my teeth?!
"Alright class. Today we will be doing inequalities", says the teacher.
"Inequalities my ass!", says Josefina. Everyone starts laughing. The teacher ignores her. I guess she's use to her rude behavior. I don't know why, but it was kind of a turn on! Josefina raises her hand.
"Can I go to the bathroom?", she says.
"Will you be coming back?", says the teacher. Why would she ask such a question?! Does Josefina leaves to "go to the bathroom" but never actually goes?
"Yes.", she says in a very soft voice.
"Okay, you can go.", says the teacher. Josefina gets up and walks out of the room. I'm very curious. Where is she really going? Maybe she really has to use the bathroom. There's only one way to find out.
"May I go to the bathroom?," I say as I'm raising my hand.
"Of course!", she says. So I walk out of the classroom and look for which way Josefina went. Thank God I wasn't that far behind her. I start walking behind her but I keep my distance so she won't assume that I'm following her. Even though that's exactly what I'm doing! She walks straight past the bathrooms. So, where is she really going?! She makes her way to the boiler room. Why is she going there? I know I shouldn't follow her anymore. So I'm going to hide right behind the door frame. I can still see what's going on, without getting caught. Well, not by Josefina at least. I see her pulling something out of her jacket. I think it's a bag of sugar?! No! Cocaine! She does drugs?! Wait! Who's that guy she's talking to?
"I told you! It's an offer you can't refuse!", she says to the guy.
"How much?", he says.
"I usually sell this stuff for 2k, but I'll give you the student discount. 1.5k.", she says. Woah! Why sell it for so much?! How good is her cocaine?!
"Ain't got dat kind of money?!", he says.
"Then it's no deal! I don't know where you gonna go! I'm the only that sells drugs out here. I'm the only one in all of Queens, bitch! So I guess you won't get your fix!"
"Well can I put a down payment?"
"You know I don't do no down payments! Either you got da money or ya don't! Stop wasting my time!"
"I ain't got da money!"
"Big mistake! You should've had the fucking money! You'll be meeting a very good friend of mine today. And he's got a present for you!", she says with a very evil voice. I know that "present" isn't a good thing! She's walking towards the door. I have to hide!

A/n: Will Kaiden get caught?! What do you think the "present" is?

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