Everything And Nothing

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OK, first of thank you for making it this far. Secondly, I cannot think of a title. By the time you are reading this maybe there will be. OK so when I'm thinking now, my mum was a big smoker. I'm supprise she didn't get lung cancer and she did her best to stop smoking for me. She said she would promise me that she would stop smoking. She never did. Well, never for very long. Then there's my brother. Abusive, and I mean abusive he would often punch me just for little things like sighing or coughing too loudly. Sometimes, he would wake me up in the night by elbowing me in the ribs. Then there's my dad. I don't even know him. From what I've inferred to nobody telling me anything about him, he is a dick. Well skip forward a year and I'm coming home from school in my grans car, and police are outside the door. Well, they snatched me away as soon as my mum got there. They had a tazer pointed at her the whole time I was saying goodbye. When I realized I wasn't going back to her, I cried for weeks. Well, at this point I have met my short term Foster parents and they have a cat called flash, a dog called benji and a girl, that was 14 called Amy. That's all I can remember.
A year later I'm living with my new foster parents called Karen and Kenny. They helped me deal with my brother and he stopped hitting me.
Kenny (Ken) was a miner until thatcher stopped mining completely and he was (and still is) in a band called ferocious dog. My brother became a druggie and was always off his head. Then he moved away, never saw him since. Then I became an only child for a year. Then, a new girl came along. She was so annoying for her age she still is. Fast forward to now and I'm not coping. I'll come back to her later. Go back to when I start Year 7(first year of high-school if you are American) and I meet this amazing girl. She is and was so pretty. Valentines day. I forgot. You get the gist. Then we break up a few weeks later. Year 8. The worst year for me so far. The girl and I are back together. I had my first kiss. I dump her. Happens again and we try to suppress our relationship. I.... Threw it away. I know she will be the first person to read this so... I'm either screwed or dead. The fast forward and this girl, Ruby. I liked her. She was OK. Then she gets into a relationship and I'm a bit jealous. Ruby dumps her and she ask me out. I literally halfway to hate her at this point. But, I'm not strong enough to say no. But just before I publish this I just dumped her. Why do I always fuck things up. Anyway, I am not coping with my sister. She lies to get me into trouble. It's like she is this perfect fucking kid and I'm a shit bag. I wish I didn't start off like this. Then my foster parents couldn't use shit against me because I wouldn't be here. I think I'm supposed to be with the girl I spoke about earlier. I hope she reads this. I think I'd even say I still like her. Alot. Thanks for reading. A new horror story should be out by next month. I'm not too sure but, it's better than the first one. Thanks for reading this. Bye.
Comment for a part 2 for mor detail

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