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"Alright everyone," Aizawa said to his group of students. "If you're not a complete imbecile, you'll know that we have a new student joining the class. Come in Archer."

Not many people had met Y/n yet, so most of them were leaning over their desks in anticipation waiting for the mystery girl to arrive.


"Archer. Come in."



"Sorry!" Through the doorway tumbled a shaken Y/n. "My b, my b."

Aizawa just shook his head before turning to the other twenty students. "Introduce yourself, and make it quick."

"Yessir," Y/n bounced over to the front of the room and stood before all of her new classmates. She took a deep breath in and out and closed her eyes, leaning forward slightly. "It's Wednesday my dudes."

"ENCORE! ENCORE I SAY!!" An exceptionally energetic blonde yelled as he clapped his hands above his head. "BLESS US ONCE MORE WITH YOUR WISE WORDS!"

"Hm, just this one time child. But first I must ask you all...spare coochie?"

"ADD HER TO THE CHAT RIGHT NOW!" A boy with flat black hair screamed at a girl who was very pink.

"Archer." The entire class shut their asses up at the sight of Aizawa who looked very mad.

"Sowwy," Y/n cleared her throat and actually introduced herself. "My name is Y/n Archer, me mummy and I just moved here from Kanagawa so that I could attend as a student and she could work as a teacher. My quirk is called Artemis Extreme but it's too much to explain and ya know ya girl ain't got the time for that. My specialties are being a dumbass and making you question your sanity. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk."

"Alright, now go take any seat, I really don't care."


≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

ItsAcid has started a chat with "Spare Coochie?"

ItsAcid has added YaLikeJaZz to the chat!

Our queen has arrived

Pickasso has entered the chat!

Archer i adore you i want you to know that

YaLikeJaZz has entered the


you two are Kaminari and Ashido, yeah?


queen knows my name🥺

just call me mina!!


YaLikeJaZz has changed ItsAcid's name to "Queenie🎂💞"!



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