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Chapter One,
The coffee shop
Mina Pov

"Oh my god, this line is so huge! I'm gonna be late for sure..." I whispered to myself. I was gonna get a coffee, then leave and make a run for school. The guy in front of me looked behind and smiled. "You can budge if you want?" He said. I looked up at him. I smiled and thanked him. I went in front of him and started a conversation. "I'm eric", "I'm mina" I chuckled to myself. I was nervous huh? He was so charming. We talked until I finally got up to the cashier. "Hi can I get a coffee, two cream one sugar please. On the go" I asked in my nicest voice. the lady nodded and went to go make it. Fuck. Im gonna be late..."I can give you a ride hm?" I hear eric. I smiled at him. "Should I? I only just met you" he shook his head. "I promise I'm not a kidnapper" I chuckled. "Fine" I say. The lady gave you the coffee and waited for eric.

He lead me to his car. Got in and he started driving. "******* high school please" (ksksk don't hate me lmao idk a school name) "yes ma'am" he says. "And would you like a handsome mans number with that?" He looked at me and quickly looked back at the road. "Yes please" I say nervously. I mean, who wouldn't want a hot guys number? He stretched his arm out. "Write it on my arm. Pen down there" he still kept his eyes on the road. I looked and picked up the pen and wrote my number and smiled. "We are here ma'am" he got out of the car, and ran to my side and opened it for me. "O-oh thanks haha" I nervously chuckled. He nodded. "Have a great day mina" he got back into his car and drove off.

"Oh my god, your seriously dating him?" You hear one of the popular girls voice. Yena. "No he was sweet enough to give me a ride here" I turned around and faced her. "Right. Here's a warning, don't let him ask you out" she walked away. For real? I sighed amd walked into school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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