Chapter 7: The Selection Room

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I sat in my room with Sakura. My heart rate was the highest it had ever been and I could not think straight.

Where had she gone? What had they done to her? Was she alright?

"Kaito stop pacing you're making me nervous," Sakura ordered.

"I can't. I can't stop thinking about mom and dad-"

"And Hikari," Sakura smirked.

A knock sounded at the door. My sister and I exchanged suspicious glances before I eased the door open enough for me to see who was on the other side.

A man stood there with dark brown hair and bored gray eyes. He was in his mid thirties I would guess.

"Hey your mom and dad are looking for you," he sighed uncaring.

"Who are you. And how do you know our parents?" I questioned.

"I know I've changed a bit but you might remember the story of the fourteen year old kid who killed his entire class." He sighed.

"Ganta Igorashi? No way," I stammered.

"In the flesh. now you-"

"Dad!" A voice called down the hall.

It couldn't be! That sounded like... "Hikari!" I cried ripping the door open and nearly lifting the small framed girl off of her feet.

"Kaito!" She exclaimed.

"Are you alright! We got separated when they forced us out of the truck." I panted.

"Yeah I know but yeah I'm fine how about you?" she beamed.

"Yeah I'm alright." I smirked.

Ganta cleared his throat and pulled Hikari and I apart. I balked as I realized she called this man dad.

"Your father is Ganta Igorashi," I gasped.

"Yes. And apparently he and my mother are both powerful deadman too. It's a day for discovery." She scoffed.

"How did you not know before now?" I gawked in disbelief.

Before she could answer the intercom buzzed and sent a bone chilling hum that quieted the entire compounded.

"Good evening deadmen. It's that time again you must all be in the selection room in no more than five minutes." the line went dead leaving the dull hum before going completely silent.

"What's the selection room?" Hikari asked.

Ganta's expression grew dark. "I don't know but I don't think we should get there late."

We all agreed and followed the masses of people to the "selection room." We ended up in a large auditorium type room with two large slot machine looking things set up.

"Alright. For some of you this is your first selection." Said a woman in a lab coat standing onstage. "In short we will pull these two levers and a pair will be made. Those pairs will have a week to prepare for carnial corpse. A few changes have been made to the games as well. You will fight until only one of you is left standing. There can be only one victor per match." The woman explained.

My dad and Ganta exchanges worried glances.

"Without further delay let's see our match up!" She pushed a button and the slot machines spun. When they stopped my heart froze in my chest.

I looked around and met the eyes of everyone in our group. We all felt the tightness I knew it. Slowly my eyes connected with hers. Instead of bearing a look of shock those Crimson eyes held a look pure terror.

"Hikari Igorashi!" The woman cried.

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