chapter 29

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─── ・ 。゚☆:

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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Lucy began pacing around in Jonathan's room. She was worried about her father since he didn't radio in last night. He might've forgotten a couple times recently but he always sent a signal before 10 and he hadn't this time.

Last night Lucy went out to her car and sat in it for at least an hour trying to reach him but nothing came over the radio. This morning she had brought the walkie talkie inside and tried again, but there was still nothing.

She tried again now but it was dead silent so she threw the walkie across the room and plopped down on Jonathan's bed with her head in her hands. Luckily, the radio didn't smash but it still made a loud noise.

If Hopper hadn't radioed them last night then that means he probably didn't go home last night. That meant that no one was home with Eleven last night.

"Oh fuck," Lucy said, quickly standing up and grabbing the radio off the floor, she ran out of Jonathan's room.

Maybe Eleven could help her find Hopper with her powers, Lucy thought. Lucy ran past everyone in the kitchen and Joyce yelled out to her.

"Lucy, where are you going?"

"I forgot, I have to check on my cat," Lucy yelled, running out the door.

The cat thing wasn't too much of a lie. Her and Eleven had been feeding a cat that came to the cabin every night without Hoppe finding out. He was never one for any pets.

"Since when does Lucy have a cat?" Will asked.

"I didn't know," Mike shrugged.

Lucy ripped out of the driveway and drove fast down the road to the cabin. Luckily, the trees had been cleared from the path and you could now drive in the woods. As soon as she got there she jumped out of the car, not even bothering to shut it off.

She knocked on the door but there was no answer. Knocking again, louder this time, there was still no answer. Lucy decided to give up on the door and go through the window.

Without telling Hopper, she left her bedroom window unlocked. If she had mentioned it she would've gotten yelled at and told it was a 'security breach.' Really, she just liked the feeling of the cold breeze at night.

Climbing through the window, Lucy called out for Eleven one she was inside the house. She didn't get any response and started to get really worried. As soon as she was fully inside, she noticed a poorly written note sitting on her desk.

The note said that El went to go find her mother alone, but she'd be back. Lucy almost started crying. She hadn't even known that El was gone until she got home. She couldn't do anything to stop her now so she decided to head back to the Byers.

On the way back to the Byers' house, she saw Steve and Dustin talking in the Wheeler's front yard. She figured it would be good to stop and see what they were doing.

She rolled down the passenger window and yelled out, "It's odd to see you two together, especially in front of the Wheeler's. What's going on?"

Dustin had been asking Steve about Lucy, trying to find her, but only after he couldn't find Mike.

"Lucy! Just the person I really wanted to see," Dustin said as he walked over with a bouquet of flowers to Lucy's car. Steve looked very confused but followed the small, curly headed boy. "I need you to help me with a little problem I have."

"What's wrong, Dusty?"

"Do you happen to have any weapons?" Dustin asked as he leaned in the car's window. Lucy's eyes trailed over to look at Steve and questioned him with her eyes.

"What?" She asked.

"Did I stutter? I said, do you have any weapons? Like a gun or something," Dustin sassed.

"Yeah," Lucy said, popping open the glove compartment, revealing the small handgun and box of bullets she carried with her. Dustin smiled a sort of evil grin, but Steve and Lucy looked at each other, majorly confused.

The next thing she knew was that she was pulling up to Dustin's house with Steve following in his own car. Dustin had told them what they were doing there and Lucy thought he was an idiot. Who the hell keeps a baby demogorgon as a pet, Lucy thought.

As soon as the car stopped, Dustin flew out and into his house. He told Steve and Lucy to wait outside while he got whatever he needed to get from inside.

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