Chapter 2 :The Force

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"Let me out!" Luna bangs against the door of the box like cell she's in.

"Ugh. Can't I give her a little sleep medicine." Zeb says shaking his fist like he's ready to punch.

"Take me back to Garel!" Luna yells.

"No, she'll stop soon, when she does we'll let her out." Hera says over the loud knocking on the cell.

After Hera said that the knocking stop.

"Did she hear you?" Sabine asks confused.

"I sure hope not cause we're not letting her out." Zeb says.

"We have to let her out sometimes, like to eat." Sabine says.

"Yeah she is right, but I need to talk to Kanan first." Hera said.

"Can't we just throw her back were we found her?" Zeb asks.

"No, Kanan saw something in in her, we have to believe him." Hera says softly.

"And what exactly is it that he sees in her?" Sabine asks.

"She's force-sensitive." Kanan says walking in with Ezra.

"That's why we captured her?" Ezra says surprised.

"Yeah." Sabine adds. "Well what are you going to do now."

"Try to talk to her." Says Kanan.

Kanan walks to open the door to the next room. Kanan sees Luna sitting on top of the cell.

"Well, it took you long enough." She says.

"How long have you been out?" Kanan asks.

"Long enough," Luna pauses. "Now why am I here?" She adds.

"Because your," Kanan pauses. "Your force-sensitive."

"You think I don't know that?" Luna says. "I've known that since I was 2."

"How did you know?" Kanan asks.

"None of your business." She tells him.

"Well, do you want help training?" Kanan asks.

"Nope." Luna says surely.

"Why?" Kanan questions.

"Again, none of your business." Luna repeats.

The room go's silent for a few minutes, then Luna stands up.

"Where do you think your going?" Kanan asks.

"Leaving." Luna reply's.

Right after Luna says she is leaving the ghost lifts up into the air.

"No your not." Kanan says.

"Who says I can't?" Luna says as she starts to run to an air lock to jump out. She finds a side air lock and opens it as fast as she can.

Luna jumps into a half dive to roll onto the ground but half way to the ground she's stopped in mid air by a force, the force. Kanan standing at the opened air lock with his hand out pulling her back up to the ship. Luna tries to fight against the force but can't, she's not strong enough.

With Luna back in her cell Kanan talks to everyone else about her.

"I can't get anything out of her other than that she has known she's force-sensitive since she was 2." Kanan tells everyone.

"How about Ezra tries talking to her, he was in the same position as her." Sabine suggests.

"Ok, I'm in." Ezra agrees.

"Well than go talk to her." Hera says.

Ezra opens the cell to see Luna siting on the floor playing with her necklace.

"Hi." Ezra says leaning against the door frame of the cell.

"What do you want from me."Luna says looking at her knees

"I'm not really sure." Ezra says.

"Your taking me from a family a home and you don't know why." Luna says angry still looking at her knees

"I think you don't have a family, or a home." Ezra says.

"Why?" Luna asks.

"You were outside an abandoned house when we found you." Ezra says.

"Maybe I was hiding." Luna suggests.

"No you weren't. Look I was in the same situation as you, no home, no food, no money, no fam-"

"No you weren't!" Luna interrupts Ezra still not looking at him.

"Then what situation are you in?" Ezra asks.

"A bad one! I was taken from my family when I was two! Striped from any good chance of a childhood!" Luna breaks down.

"Why were you taken." Ezra says "The empire they saw it in me, he saw it in me." Luna tells him.

"Who's 'he'?" Ezra asks.

"Nothing. No one." Luna says like she said to much.

"Ok then I guess I wasn't in the same situation as you."

Ezra turns to walk away then Luna yells out looking at the ground. "Wait! Don't leave me in here."

"I'm not allowed to let you out." Ezra says loudly pointing to the air vent.

Luna nods as the door shuts, and Ezra walks away.

Ezra walks into the cockpit where Kanan and Hera are sitting.

"So what did You get out of her?" Kanan asks.

"She was taken from her family when she was two."

"Not very helpful we already knew that." Hera says.

"Well she broke down and said he saw it in her." Ezra says.

"Who saw what?" Hera asks

"The force is what, but who's him." Kanan says.

"I-I don't know, but I don't think it's good." Ezra says.

I hope you liked this chapter I'm am new to the fanfic world so I'm not super sure how to start a story so a bit of the first Chapters will be filler so bear with me and keep reading if you like it. new update soon.

Thanks - Luna Love

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