Chapter 11

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My uncle Jinxx let me stay here it been a few days and my dad or should I say andy still hasn't came back to get me I thought he would of by now Blake has been staying with me I miss my mom I wish I would of Stayed with her..
"You okay Le" Blake said
"Yeah I miss my mom" I cried
"Aww come here" he said and I cuddled with him and cried into his chest I was so mad that my dad didn't come and try to get me back I thought he loved me... I was wrong
"Thank u Blake" I said and kissed his cheek he nodded I heard the door bell ring since no one was home I had to get i opened it and seen my dad I ran up stairs and jumped on my bed
"Le listen" he said
"No u listen it's been a few days and you barley come now what a father has the rockstar life got to U dad has it" I said and cried but I felt really bad and hugged my dad and cried
"I'm sorry daddy" I cried
"It's okay baby girl" he cried
"Can I come home daddy?" I asked
"IV been waiting for u to say that of Corse you can baby" he said and me and Blake grabbed our stuff and left

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