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Dear Soobin,

It might seem weird for me to still have you as the subject of my work but here I am, holding a pen with my right hand and a piece of paper on the other, writing this pitiful paragraph created for you. I know I sound stupid; I might even be embarrass of myself once I'm done with this but there's this feeling inside of me that's urging me to write about how I feel about the situation—about what happened to the once "perfect us".

If I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm hurt; still hurting so much that I sometimes find myself crying while looking at your old pictures, remembering the happiness we once had before everything went down the drain. You gave me so much to remember Soobin, so much that I find it almost impossible to forget you. But no matter how hard it is, I have to—especially when you seem to be done with that part.

And you might never even be aware of this book's existence but please bear with me one more time. I promise it will be the last time I'll write about you.

Love, Yeonjun

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