Siren Song, Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

The next thing she remembered was shifting around to get more comfortable and snuggling deeper into him, then darkness and pleasant dreams of Earth took over. When she woke next, it was dark still, light from the moons drifting in through the window. She smiled and stretched, unintentionally pressing herself into him.

He shifted around in a semi-conscious state, eyes blinking open enough to see two shining gold orbs watching him. "Hey there," Karia whispered to him, before he fell back to sleep. When Vash woke, Karia was gone.

In a panic he ran down the stairs to find her in her short green shorts and purple tank top, making donuts. Karia jerked around as he came down the stairs, clearly on the verge of full-blown panic. "You ok?" She asked as she turned around with a plateful, and had to hurriedly set it down as he grabbed her up.

"Please don't scare me like that, ok?" He said quietly. "I'm sorry." She whispered back, her lips and breath tickling his neck, sending chills all through him. "I was afraid I'd lost you again." Karia shook her head. "Not today, Vash. I'm still here." She dreaded pulling away from him but... "Breakfast." She smiled up at him, happiness shining through her eyes for the first time in a long time.

Why does he make me feel like a girl in love for the very first time? Karia wondered to herself. Conversation was minimal, strained. I think... he's in love with me. I'm almost sure of it. Vash was thinking nearly the same thing, and that it was killing him for her to make a move. It seemed like every time they got close... but it was to be expected. After all, my brother, my face, was responsible for so many of the scars she carries. Inside and out.

Evening closed in, and Karia was waiting on Vash to return, halfway afraid that he wouldn't. The other half afraid of when he did return. She had made up her mind. Tonight, as much as she was afraid, she was going to take the plunge and make the move. To calm her nerves, she went to the bathroom and began to wash out the cuts on her sides. The rest were nearly healed and didn't require much attention.

Realizing after she had dried, that there was no salve made, she threw on her robe and walked into the kitchen to make more. She had just finished applying the salve and was wrapping the bandage around herself when Vash came back. Sitting their supplies down on the table, he went over to help her. "You won't get it tight enough like that."

Karia, facing the fire in the grate, slipped the robe from her shoulders to allow him to wrap the bandage as tight as it needed to be. The mix of the warmth from the fire, the cool air, and his breath tickling her neck made her shiver. A small smile played across her lips as she imagined him kissing her there.

Vash couldn't help but be in awe of this beautiful creature before her. Her skin was bathed in the light of the fire, and when she glanced over her shoulder to look at him... it was like they had this strange, predatory glow. And it sent chills up his spine.

All too soon he was finished wrapping her bandages. But before she could pull her robe up, he wrapped his arms around her, resting his cheek on her bare shoulder. Vash inhaled her scent, wanting to drown himself in her. Karia took a certain satisfaction in his surprise when she twisted round to face him, her lips a hairsbreadth from his.

"Come with me," she whispered, taking his hand and leading him upstairs. Karia knelt on the bed, pulling him down with her. Fire swept through him as she pressed herself against him and gently caressed his lips with hers. Stopping her, Vash whispered, "Karia, you don't have to do this. Not if you don't want to." She brushed his lips with hers, once more, before responding, "But, Vash, I do want to."

Carefully straddling him on the bed, he leaned forward to kiss her. Gently, sweetly, an ember glowing in the darkness. Karia trailed her hands down to unbutton his shirt, fanning the ember into flame. Vash grabbed her hands and stopped her. Puzzlement crossed Karia's face. "Are you sure?" He asked slightly breathless.

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