The Flash Reborn

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My name is Delaney West, and I was supposed to marry the fastest man alive, but six months ago, he left

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My name is Delaney West, and I was supposed to marry the fastest man alive, but six months ago, he left. I promised him I'd run, so that's what I've been doing these last six months, running as fast as I can

"I can't find her, Cisco", Wally said as he stopped in the middle of downtown. Cisco breached to his location and bent over as he tried to catch his breath, "I gotta work out more. She's really stepped up her game", he said. Dad was leading a police chase around the city, "Then let's turn up ours. I don't have eyes on her", he said, "Iris?", he called into the intercom. "Copy, I'm on it. Got her", she said after a few seconds of looking for her.

"And?", Wally asked, waiting for her to give him an answer

"Duck!", she yelled

Wally looked around confused, "I don't see no duck", he said right before he and Cisco got punched in the face by Shawna Baez, out meta that we've been chasing. "Peek-a-boo", she bragged, "Your only warning, boys. Stay back", she said before teleporting away. Wally and Cisco groaned as they sat up, "She meant the other duck", Wally realized. Cisco glared at him, "Yeah, I cannot believe you thought she meant an actual duck", he said.

I rolled my eyes from my spot on top of a building, "Where is she now, Iris?", I asked. "She's headed for Keystone Bridge", she told us. I sighed, "If she gets out of the city, we'll lose her for good. We need to catch her", I said frustrated. "Oh, I'll catch her this time", Wally said very confidently before speeding away. Cisco sighed, "I hate teleporters", he said.

From my position, I could see Wally running from building to building as Shawna teleported away from him. I kept an eye on her jumping patterns and realized something, "She's jumping to every third building, Iris", I said before getting a running start and jumping to the next roof top. I was able to get a higher vantage point and saw where she would be jumping next, "Cisco, she's going to the Broome Tower next. When she gets there, stop her", I told him.

"On it", I heard from him in response. "Dad and I will meet you at the bottom", I gave out my next order.

"Copy", I got from Dad.

"Wally--", I started to say

"I know what to do", he said just as I jumped down from the building and met my Dad and his officers at the bottom of the building. "Follow my lead", I said to the officers and they nodded in response. I saw a breach open and Cisco, Wally and Shawna all tumble out. Shawna got up quicker than the other two and aimed her guns at them, "Dead bang, fellas", she said. Before she could get a shot off, I came up behind her and knocked her over the head with my bo-staff, knocking her out, "Nighty night, bitch", I said, flicking the hair out of my face while Cisco smiled, "Look at that, we got her", he said.


We got back to STAR labs and I led Dad, Cisco and Wally out of the elevator, "I'm so proud of us. That was a good hustle out there, Team Vibe", Cisco said. Wally looked back at him, "It's Team Kid Flash but thank you", he said as Iris met us outside the elevator and walked with us. "Not your finest hour gentlemen", she said. "What about Delaney?", Wally asked offended. I rolled my eyes, "I'm the one that actually caught her", I reminded them. I lost my powers when I was resurrected by the Lazarus Pit so I've been trying my best without them and just my League training but I'm still coming up a little short.

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