Their heads shifted slightly. It was an indication that they were telepathically communicating through the pack link. Kaya shifted backwards, now aware that Ian could keep in contact with Miguel through the pack link. Sighing, Ian agreed and started to get undressed.

They were pulled off outside of town hidden some miles off the main road. It was a perfect place as any to let Kaya free Betsy for a few hours. Betsy would much rather prefer a few days but riding around in a truck as a wolf with a bench that was already cramped by four–well, Kaya squashed that hope quick. Which Betsy grumbled about loud.

You ever suppress me again, gods above help you from my wrath, was a recurring threat. It made Kaya chuckle an awful lot.

Kaya stripped her clothes off and chucked them on the truck bench. From there, she let the shift take over and Betsy in control. Who, to Kaya's chagrin, went straight to Ian and smoothed her fur against his legs. He chuckled in response, leaning down to pat her back.

Off she went, running. Ian right behind. Tamin shot off in another direction. The hot hard packed sand scorched their pads. Tendrils of sand swept a trail behind each wolf, the two white quicker and quicker colored beige. It was a peaceful run. Each in their own world and in their own space. The trails they managed to find were of local wildlife. It had Kaya thinking about wolves being in the desert. Or wolves being native to Mexico. Ecology was not her forte. Shifting the thought along, Betsy took charge of the forefront mind and made an echo of Kaya in the background.

"What do think is going to happen between you and Ian?" Betsy rolled in her two cents while they ran.

It's nothing for you to worry about. She quipped back in a whispery voice.

"Technically he is my mate as well, so don't be me and be a bitch."

Their conversation fell flat after that, Kaya not having anything else to say except, Shut up and run.

So, they did.

Ian ran beside her. It was a much-needed feeling: being in their natural form. The human soul could only take so much as a wolf, but the second soul, the spirit animal, was the main body. It was a truth long gone.

Cacti dotted the horizon, mountains were everywhere. Long green stems with pink petals adorning the crown crowded about rocks, seeking a grip where water most likely pooled. The sun was high, noon perhaps, when they set off. By the time they were back, it was dark.

Betsy curled next to Ian, who was already dressed in human form. Kaya fumed in the back, silent and pissed off. When, finally, she was allowed to shift, Kaya dressed in angry, swift motions. It took them five minutes to realize the truck was gone, but the motorbike was still there. Tamin was the first to realize. "Hey, where's the truck?"

Kaya looked up from her glaring at the ground to her twin, confusion on her masked expression face. "Huh?"

Ian looked around too. "Maybe Jaz went into town for something for the bike?"

Kaya shook her head negative. "There wouldn't be a reason to. The bike should have charged via the truck battery."

The three stood around, dumbfounded. Until Tamin fell to the ground, holding his side. His voice broke out in a shout. The intensity in his pain was almost too much for Kaya to bare. It coiled along their connection, forcing her to the ground. She clutched her stomach and cried out. Tears, fat and hot, rolled down her cheeks. Ian was freaking out, pulling at his hair whilst looking between the two. Their connection broke and released Kaya from her own pain.

Twisted Souls (Edited) 3rd EditionWhere stories live. Discover now