||3.5 || Suddenly Syrup🥞🍯

Start from the beginning


"What'd you say?" Eliza asked from behind me.

"What?" I asked, confused about how she got there.

"Well you were just starting into space as if you were imagining something. Then you mumbled something as you kept staring into space." She stated

"Oh um.. that was nothing."

"Whatever you say."

"Breakfast!" Heather Mac called out, causing all of as who were awake to run to the kitchen. When I arrived there there was a stacks of food at the table. Tons and tons hash browns, pancakes, and French toast all beautifully displayed with cups of syrup, jam and chocolate chips.

I took a bit of everything, making sure to put extra syrup on my pancakes. I took one bite of them and immediately feel in love. If pancakes were a human I'd date them. But the syrup was even more delicious.


"Suddenly Syrup is standing beside me.
It don't give me orders, It don't condescend.
Suddenly Syrup, is here to provideee me sweet understanding.
Syrup's my friend." I sung

As I heard everyone laughing.
Then without warning I heard someone sing back.

Tell me this feeling lasts till forever
Tell me the bad times are clean washed away

I looked up to find Tommy singing as he put his hand in mine. I got up and put my free hand on his shoulder. I then felt his soft hand on my shoulder.
I took my hand out of his and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he put his hands just above my hips.
I continued the song.

Please understand that it's still strange and frightening
Both losers like I've been it's so hard to say

Suddenly, Syrup

Suddenly, Syrup

It purified me

It purified you

I looked into Tommy's hazel colored eyes as we swayed back and forth. It was like something out of a movie.  He then spun me around.

"Suddenly, Syrup" I sang and giggled

Suddenly, Syrup

Showed me I can
Yes, you can

Learn how to be more          Learn how to be more
The girl that's inside me                                        The girl that's inside you

With sweet understanding

With sweet understanding

With sweet understanding With sweet understanding

Syrup is my man Syrup is your man


"I didn't know you could dance Tommy" I told him, still staring into his eyes.

"I didn't know either." He replied.

"Where do you think everyone is?" I asked

"Well, Alex and Eliza probably went off somewhere by themselves. Heather is taking selfie's and Laff... I don't know where he is.

First we went to go find Heather. We found her taking selfie's with the people who fell asleep. Next we went off to find Laff. He turned out to be in bathroom applying hair gel. Last, went to Eliza's room to get her and Alex.

But in a special way...

We went to my room and pulled out 2 massive water guns to spray the two.
I knocked on the the door. I then went in position to blast them as Tommy did the same. When Eliza opened the door, we shot her with the water and invaded the room. We got both her and Alex soaked.

"You forgot something Ang." She stated

"And what is that exactly?" I asked jokingly.

"I have water guns too." She shouted as she threw the water gun to Alex, causing Tommy and I to run for our lives as they ran after us. When we were all in the living room, I got the most amazing idea.

"How about we shoot them in the stomachs to wake them up." I suggested.

"Good idea! Let's just take photos of them first!" Heather squealed.

We spent a good 15 minutes taking pictures of them and with them.

"Heather, you get Maria. Alex, you get Aaron. Laff you get Herc. Eliza you get Theodosia. Tommy you get John and I'll get Peggy." I stated as we filled up the water guns.

"Ready, Set, Attack" I screamed as everyone started to blast the people sleeping. I made sure to remove the note before blasting so I could give it to them a little later.

Everyone started to shoot the people who were still sleeping. As soon as they woke up. The looks on their faces were priceless.

In that moment, I saw Peggy start to wake up.

1174 words without A/N
Next chapter will be posted tomorrow or Tuesday!

If u want check out my YouTube channel it's....

Philidosia Studios


Sincerely Me...


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