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Running down the hallway of the familiar basement I had grown so used to, i could feel the chains smacking the ground as i ran. I felt the chains chafing my ankles but i didn't care, I needed out of here now. I took my chance as soon as i saw it, freedom was so close.

I could hear the angry shouts of the man but i didn't care, i could see the basement door that lead outside. I could feel myself getting faster with each step as i saw the door getting closer and closer.

So close, i could practically feel the sunlight on my skin again, god how long it had been since i felt that. I was so close to the door now i could easily extend my arm and reach, but then, everything went black as i felt a sharp pain in both my legs.

I jerked awake to see myself in my own bed. my body was soaked in sweat and the blankets were a mess. I pulled my legs to my chest as i held myself trying to calm myself. Just a nightmare, again. Every night i relive the nightmares I've been through, and knowing that man is still living doesn't help.

rocking my self back and forth, i squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as i could. my body was trembling as i sat on the bed, rocking. Eventually my shaking stopped, hopping off the bed i head to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

after a long shower, i got dressed and head back to my room

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after a long shower, i got dressed and head back to my room. tearing the bedding off the bed, i tossed all of it into a basket and carried it down the hall to the laundry room. Opening the door, i flicked on the light and tossed the basket to the ground. i grabbed some softener and detergent and put them in the washer, along with the bedding. Noting how good the softener and detergent smelled, i made a mental note to grab more of that scent next time i went shopping.

leaving the laundry room, i head down to the 3rd floor living room. The room was more empty than usual but i assumed it was from many pastas having to work patrol today. i laid on the same empty couch as yesterday and decided to take a quick nap to pass time. 


"buttercup, oh buttercup. how many times do i have to tell you not to try escaping me." you cringed as you heard the mans nickname for you. tears stained your face and you could barely breath through the duct tape over your mouth. "now you have to be punished, you now how much i hate punishing you buttercup." you shook your head as hot tears fell down your face. trying to back away, but being stopped by the wall behind you, you watched as he walked towards you with a lighter and gas. 

"this wouldn't be happening if you'd just behave" you tried screaming but the duct tape covered your screams. you were pushing yourself against the wall as hard as you could, you could feel his presence getting closer as you squeezed your eyes shut, in hopes you'd wake up. you kept shaking your head as he approached. you saw him kneel down in front of you through your teary eyes. he grabbed your chin causing you to jump at his touch, he yanked your chin up causing you to look right at him. His green eyes seemed to almost glow. 

"buttercup i don't understand why you hate me so much, i feed you, bathe you, water you, i give you a place to live, what more do you want." he sat in silence for a second before smirking. he grabbed the chains on your ankles and began dousing them in gasoline as you watched in horror. "don't worry buttercup, i got a hose nearby so nothing too bad will happen."

you tried begging him through the duct tape to stop but of course he couldn't make out anything. you watched as he lit the chains on fire, the flames creeping up the short chain. the heat threatening to burn you. you began trying to back away from the flames, but the chains just yanked you back. 

you could feel your ankles burning from the chain. soon the heat became too much and everything went black.

You jumped up from the couch as you quickly ran your hands over your ankles, feeling your scars. "just a dream, you're alive, you're okay." you thought to yourself. The living room was now empty besides you and BEN, who was too distracted with his game to even glance up at you. 

you decided to visit slender to see what he had planned for you today. You head up to the 5th floor and entered his room without knocking. "child, you cant just walk in like that, you could've scared me" you plopped down on one of the bean bags in his room as you fiddled with the stuffed rabbit you kept in his room. "do you have any missions for me today?" you watched as he returned to his computer. "i have a two week long mission actually. you'll leave tomorrow and you'll get the details before you leave."

you gave him a confused look. "will i be going alone?" "you will be going with EJ." you practically fell out of the bean bag as you stared at him. was he joking? he had to be. he knows everything that goes on in this place, and I've had many rant sessions with him about EJ. "please tell me that was a joke." 

"no, i feel like you two need to become a stronger team. we do not need any drama in such a populated house, and you two constantly fighting makes me get many complaints." before you could even protest you were pushed out of the room by one of Slender's tentacles. you stood outside his door, trying to comprehend what just happened. 


how could he do this to you? stronger team? how will a two week trip together help anything? you grumbled to yourself as you packed your bags for the trip. "i wonder if EJ knows yet." you thought to yourself as you threw your final outfit into the bag. "no, who cares if he knows." you growled as you tossed the bag on the floor near your door. 

you decided to go to sleep to avoid breaking someones face.

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