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The light shines threw the windows.


Richie stares at the boy clinging to his chest.


Beautiful boy.
Richie watches Eddies chest move up and down, remembering what happened last night, soon enough Richie gets up, needing a buzz, he goes into the bathroom quietly he pops a molly, the effects take 25 minutes to kick in, an early effect as it usually kicks in after 35 minutes for Richie, he regrets it, as Eddie wakes up, to Richie Eddies eyes looked vibrant, a brown color mixed with blue, Richie decides to scroll threw Facebook, something he did when he felt stuck, soon he finds a picture of his father that a relative had posted, Richie throws his phone down cracking it immediately, you see Richie had done this before, molly has hallucinogenics in it, Richie knew that, he no longer felt on a high, he stands up, looking around for anything, the bathroom looks like his, at his old house, "Richie!" "Richard boy get your ass down here!" He hears yelling, he opens the door and runs down, there lays the body of his blonde hair blue eyed skinny mother, "Mama?" He whispers, "Richie help me get her in the car!" His father yells, that's when it clicks in his head, "No! No! Dad! Dad you killed her! No!" He starts freaking out, a small 5 year old runs behind him, "What's wrong with mama?" The small boy asks, "She's sick Richard, now open the door so I can't take her out." He says in a sweeter tone, not nice, but sweeter, Richie watches as the small him opens the front door, and than the car door, suddenly the house fills with water and he is brought back, and soaking wet, "Jesus Christ Richie what'd you take?" Stan asks, the group huddled around them, "Molly..." he says tiredly, "You took ecstasy?! What the fuck Richie?! You dumb as-" "Eddie shut up" Bev interrupts, "You have a show in 2 hours dumb ass." Bill says, "Oh no what am I gonna do?" He says sarcastically, they all roll they're eyes, Richie stands up and pushes past them, he goes to his suit case and picks out an outfit, he than calls Bella, as the group watches, "Pick me up you fucking slut." He says into the phone while lighting a cigarette, "Ok." A voice mumbles in the other side, Richie hangs up the phone and looks at the group, "Is that better?" He asks with an attitude, "Much." Stan replies, they all disband leaving Eddie behind with Richie, "So Eddie spaghetti, you coming to the show tonight?" Richie asks, "No, I don't wanna hear your crappy druggy music." Eddie crosses his arms, "Druggy music? Who said that your mom?" Richie replies insensitivity, "No Richie she's dead, yours did." Eddie snaps back, Richie puts a toothpick in his mouth and stands up, "Sweetheart it isn't fun when you do it." He places a finger on Eddie chin, a car honk interrupts the moment, "See ya..." Richie lingers before walking out, "GODDAMN YOU RICHARD TOZIER!" Eddie yells pushing a book shelf down, "Goddamn you for making me love you."....

"Come on Eddie just go it'll be fun..." Stan begs the boy, "No." Eddie stands his ground, "If you go I'll give you $50." Bev sighs, "Sooooo what should I wear?" Eddie perks up, "Something badass.."

"So is Eddie coming?" Bella says raising her eyebrows, "No he isn't." Richie huffs tuning his guitar, cheers come from the stage, "Show time."

The group sits in the front row, all of them except for Eddie, he sat in the front of the nosebleeds, frankly not wanting to be seen at this type of show, the lights lower and cheers erupt.
No music plays.

Just raw voice.

"It's not true."

"Tell me I've been lied to."

"Crying isn't like you."

A slow guitar starts playing.

"What the hell did I do?"

"Never been the type to."

"Let someone see right threw."

Chills go down Eddies spine, he looks around for comfort but it's nowhere to be found.

"You didn't mean to say I love you."

"I love you."

"I wish we never learned to fight."

"Maybe we should just try..."

"To tell ourselves a good lie."

"Didn't mean to make you cry."

"You didn't mean to say I love you."

"I love you."

"And I don't want to."

"The smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying."

"We fall apart as it gets dark, I'm in your arms in Central Park."

"I don't want to, but I love you."

Richie was speaking to Eddie threw his songs, it hurt that he didn't listen.
"Alright- this next song is called 'Eddie my love'-" Richie speaks into the microphone, Eddies heart drops as he hears the lyrics, "Eddie my love." He sings, memories flow threw Eddies brain, he starts to panic, he sang this, that night, in New York, the crowd sings along, the small boy feels suffocated, "You left me last December..", Eddie anxiously listens, closing his eyes, taking in the lyrics, "Since that time I've been so low..", "And all this time I wish and wait for you.", Bev approaches Eddie, she hugs him and sways along to the music, "He's back Eddie, this was him, neither of us got to see this side, he's Richie trashmouth tozier." She says calmly in his ear, "Now I wanna bring up-" he breaths, "A friend of mine, everyone welcome Birdy boy Stan!" Richie announces, "Hello fuckers! I'd like to bring up an old friend of mine-" Stan says while walking on stage, "Eddie Kaspbrak aka Eddie my love!" He yells into the mic, both boys hearts drop, the spotlight shines on Eddie, a blush appears on his cheeks, "Yeah uh- Eddie come up!" Richie plays along, Bev pushes Eddie onto the stage, the small boys eyes blind by the bright lights shining on the stage, someone hands him a mic, Eddie gets light headed, and the next thing he knows he blacked out on the floor, the group huddled around him.


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