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nightmares clouded Richies dreams, Eddie was woken up by the boy flinching, it took him a minute to realize what was happening but soon he started to shake the boy, "Richie wake up!" He whisper yells while shaking him, "Richie!" He says loader, the boy quickly sits up and looks at Eddie tears falling down his cheeks, "Hey hey hey it's alright come here." Eddie pulls the boy to his chest letting him cry, Eddie calmingly shushes the boy, after a few minutes of Richie crying he pulls back, eddies heart breaks at the sight, Richies eyes were red and he looked as though he hasn't slept in 3 days, "Do you wanna talk about it?" Eddies voice cracks, "Y-you we're dead." The boy whispers, "Look rich, I'm here." Eddie puts his hands on Richies cheeks, Richie reaches his hand to the small boys wrist and rubs his thumb on his soft skin, "I'm not gonna leave you." The small boy whispers, "Promise?" The tall boy asks, his voice sad and small, "Promise." Eddie assures him, and with that the boys lay back down, and Richie lays his head on eddies chest, and the small boy tangles his hand in the tall boys curls, and quickly fall back to sleep, now peaceful dreams full Richies thoughts.

Today was a chill day, one of the only days that Stan didn't plan, so everybody could do what they want, Eddie woke up before Richie and ordered a shit ton of food, and hoped they would have a sorta date, I mean of course they would go into the city at some time, but for now they would eat, Richie woke up a few minutes after Eddie ordered the food, he had a giant headache from crying, outside it wasn't cold enough to snow, but it was raining, not quite raining, more of a slush falling from the sky, Eddie loved the cold, especially from what he's seen of Richie, the way Richies cheeks glow a red color against the snow, and his nose looked like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, Richie looks beautiful in the snow, "How'd you sleep?" Eddie caresses the curly boys cheek, "Better after..." he trails off Eddie gets it, "I ordered a bunch of food, it should be here in like an hour, I hope that's okay." Eddie says shyly, "That's fine Eddie, I am really hungry." Richie chuckles, "Are you okay?" Eddie asks after a few minutes of conferable silence, "I'm okay." Richie smiles, "Second date?" Richie asks, "Today?" Eddie panics, "Today yeah, we can eat breakfast than explore the city." Richie suggests, "What about Stan?" Eddie asks, I mean this is what Eddie was hoping, but he's not going to melt, he's gonna play dumb, "I talked to him about it yesterday, since he has nothing planed today." Richie smirks, "You sly fuck." Eddie lays back on the tall boys arm, Richie draps his other arm on eddies stomach, and nuzzles into his neck, "Eddie?" The boy says, vibrations go down Eddie neck giving him goosebumps, "Yes?" Eddie says, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Richie asks, a wave of confidence going threw him, "Really?!" Eddie sits up and turns towards the boy, "Yeah Eddie Kaspbrak will you be my boyfriend?" Richie sits up now, Eddie squeals and lunges onto the tall boy, giving him the biggest hug, "YES YES YES!" Eddie repeats while smiling, "Wooo!" Richie smiles, "Can I kiss you now?" Eddie asks, Richie leans in and places a soft his on the boys lips, smiling into it, the morning was perfect.

"Okay where now?" Eddie asks, they had went back to Times Square and bought a bunch of candy, "Um.....How about we go on the subway, that's a city thing right?" Richie chuckles, "Where should we go?" Eddie asks while feeding money into a Machine, it gives him 2 subway cards in return, he hands one to Richie and keeps one, "How about we go to the high line?" Richie smirks, Eddie had seen pictures of the high line before, it was an old railway track the was turned into some sort of a nature reserve, it's a huge tourist attraction, they maneuver their way around around the subway station, when they finally make it safely inside the subway they sigh, "Where do we need to get off?" Eddie asks, "We need to get off near 14th street." Richie informs the boy, it was just like people said, prostitution druggies the whole thing, once they reach their stop they walk to the entrance and start walking down the way, while holding hands, pointing at the beautiful plants along the way, at certain points the city shined bright, it was nice to not worry about anything, because it was, they weren't worrying about anything, "I wanna go to NYU." Eddie admits, Richie smiles at him, "Do it, try to get in." Richie encourages, "What do you want to do after high school?" Eddie asks as they sit in a wooden bench along the trail, it was sunset and it was beautiful around them, "I wanna be a photographer." Richie says, eddie knew that he just wanted to hear the boys voice, "I knew that." Eddie admits and lays his head on Richies shoulder, they watch the sunset while there hands are tangled, it felt amazing, "Do you think I could get in?" Eddie asks after about 30 minutes, "Depends On your major." Richie says, "No need to worry about it now babe, we still got time." Richie rubs his arm, Eddie blushes at the nickname, the air was getting frigid as night fell upon them, so they decide to walk back to get dinner on the way, the pick up a pizza and a cookie pizza, the ate and soon fell asleep entangled in each others arms, it was beautiful, Eddie dreamt of their future together, four cats living in a beautiful apartment in midtown, and for Richie, Richie slept a dreamless sleep.

First off wtf we're almost at 600 reads last chapter I was thanking you guys for 400 reads holy crap, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUXH!!!

Maybe if we were different- ReddieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora