chapter 1

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I grab my guitar and put it into my gig bag its nothing special really its a electric guitar with a broken amp plug so it doesn't work with amps my dads a proper guitarist he likes to mention that he has played guitar with a band that had basically been one direction of  the early 90s they broke up in 1995 and haven't made a single song since then before he met my mum he bought the guitar a few years ago for my grandad but my grandad said it wasn't working in his amp so my dad took it and it spent the next year and a half under the sofa one of the strings broke so my dad had to repair it and then he gave it to me I started to learn guitar I've been playing for six months now and I'm pretty good I already wrote songs and did bits of singing but i mostly rapped

I have pretty huge CD collection as well with albums from People like Linkin park, Eminem and green day that's really where my love of rap began I did listen to like all pop till late 2017 this was when Eminem's revival came out the only reason I actually started listening to Eminem was because of his ed Sheeran collaboration river I then listened to the rest of the album and by that time next year I was listening to loads of rap then I got into Linkin Park because my freind recommend them to me and green day wound up on my shelf because of my friends to.

That day at School I'm sat in this corner i always go to I take out my guitar and start to play at first I'm Just strumming the guitar getting into a rythem and then I go out and out and start playing and then I start singing without thinking and then the most awkward thing happens im singing and then I hear someone sit down behind me I spin around stopping abruptly and thats when I see her its voilet one of the not hot but cute girls in my School shes one of those girls who's not popular but everyone likes I her and I might have had one of the biggest crushes on her ever I feel my cheeks go red and I'm thinking oh no shes gonna laugh and tell me how shit i am

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