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It was a boring morning, it was cold outside and Hwoarang didn't want to go out either being alone so he called his "friend" Jin to ask him to come over his place.

Jin was on his sofa watching a documentary about wild animals in desert. After a couple of ignored calls Jin finally picked up.

"What you want?"

"Good morning, Kazama"

"Why are you such in a good mood? Leave me alone"

"Kazama, are you on your period or what?" Hwoarang asked provoking Jin

"Bye." Jin was about to hang up when Hwoarang tried to stop him

"No no no no no wait!"


"Okay listen... I wanted to ask you whether you'd like to come over for a game or something"

"You scare me... what's all this sudden kindness?" Jin asked confused turning tv volume down

"Well, I kinda have a new game on my PlayStation and I wanted to kick your ass over there too"

"You mean you'll try to do something at least in a videogame?"

"Ha-ha-ha very funny... get your lazy ass up and come over!"

"Fine" Jin finally gave up "I'm on my way" he got up and reached Hwoarang's house.
He rang the bell and the red haired man opened the door almost shouting:


Jin rolled his eyes and pushed Hwoarang "Move! I'm freezing out here!!"

"Yeah yeah sure... get in!"

They started played a fighting videogame, when the one was losing, the other was exulting.

Hours passed away fast and Hwoarang got hungry so he stood up and went in the kitchen

"Hey where you going, baka?" Jin asked

"I'm hungry, I'm cooking something" he replied

Jin stood up and followed Hwoarang in the kitchen trying to understand what he was doing

"Baka, what are you cooking?"

Hwoarang smiled, pround of himself "Fagioli."

"What?" Jin asked confused

"Are you deaf? I said 'fagioli', I saw an Italian recipe last night and I wanna try them"

Jin was even more confused
"Why were you looking at Italian recipes?"

"Because I couldn't sleep and I was bored"

"I shouldn't have asked that" Jin said under his breath


"Oh nothing I was just saying: What's that?"

"Look yourself Kazama."

"They seem beans, baka."

"They are I guess... I just said it in Italian!"

"You can't even speak English well how come you think you know italian, baka?"

"You wouldn't understand, Kazama"

"I understand perfectly well... there's a reason if I call you 'baka'"

"Oh yes yes sure, whatever you say, Kazama"

"Focus on cooking, baka... you're burning them."

Hwoarang was looking at Jin while talking
"What the hell are you talking..." he was the mess "HOLY SHIT !! Kazama do something!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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