Great plan baby(24)

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Damon's outside the stairs that lead into the tomb and I could hear Maddox in the woods. I stayed little bit more behind, knowing that Maddox was near.

"Which one are you trying to save? The blond, or the wolf? Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?" Maddox asked Damon, "Did you think I would leave myself unprotected?" Damon asked, signaling for me to beat the shit out of Maddox.

I rushed over to him pinning him to the ground as I used my vampire face to make him fear me, Maddox used his powers to fly me against a rock, Damon tries to go after him but he uses his power to make him have a bad fucking headache. I get up and he tries to do the same to me, but I've built a tolerance to it.

"You think that can stop me?" I laughed as I snapped his neck, "Great plan, baby." Damon said with a smile as we were about to walk into the tomb till we heard the sound of a rifle.

The both of us turned around to see Matt with a rifle, "What are you doing here?" Damon asked Matt as Damon was getting up off the ground from falling as an affect of the headache. "Where's Caroline?" Matt asked as he walked closer to the two of us, "Listen, man. Not a good time to play the hero." Damon commented as he was catching his breath.

Matt quickly cocks the rifle and points it at Damon. "I could easily snap your neck now. Lower the gun." I say. "I will if you answer my question. Where is she? And what did he do to her?" Matt asked.

Damon puts his hands up and starts stepping forward slowly, "Me and Tal are just here to save her. Right Tal?" He asked me and I quickly said "yes." With a ton of nodding.

Damon rushed over to Matt. knocking him out with his rifle. Damon unloads the bullets, I walk over to him bending down, "They're wooden." I said analyzing the bullets. "He could have killed you." I said. "Whoops. Good thing he didn't. "Damon said as he walked down in to the tomb.

"Damon?" Caroline said as she and Tyler saw him, I walked in after him, "Talia?" She said surprised as Damon walked towards her. "Your boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets. You have some explaining to do." Damon told Caroline.

I walked over to Tyler as I was about to help him out of his chains. "What, Matt?" Caroline asked as Damon helped her out. "Matt knows about you?" Tyler asked, "No, I..." Caroline tried to explain. "Shh." I told Caroline, "It's getting Dark, how fast can you run away from here?" I asked Tyler before I tried getting him out of the chains.

"I'm not leaving without him." Caroline said, I looked at her and then back at Tyler for an answer, "I need to get to my family's cellar. I can lock myself up." He answered, I quickly got him out of the chains, "Go." I said as we all walked out of the tomb.

It's dark. A full moon is shining in the sky. Matt begins to wake up. Caroline rushes over to him. "Hey, Matt!" Caroline says as she looks at him, "Hey. Did you hit him?!" She demanded to know. I gave a worried glance at the moon and then to Tyler, we needed him to go now.

"Guys!" I say but they don't listen, "Did you already forget about the part with the gun and the wooden bullets?" Damon asks Caroline.

"Guys!" I say a bit louder as I stare at Tyler, Tyler growls and holds his chest. He looks up at the moon. The two look at Tyler in fear.

" Tyler? Tyler?" Caroline asks, Tyler continues to grab at his chest, "It's starting." He repeats as his breathing gets heavier."Grab boy wonder and let's go." Damon said leading us away.

~Time skip to walking in the woods~

Damon, Caroline, Matt, Tyler and I are jogging through the woods. The leaves from the trees are whistling with the air, a cooling breeze takes over the night.

"What's happening? Is he okay?" Matt asked as he looked back at Tyler as he holds his chest trying to delay the inevitable. "He better not wolf out on us." Damon said, "If so then a lot of dead bodies are sure to follow." I say.

Damon's phone rings, he answers, It's Stefan. "Bad time, little bro." Damon says into his phone. I look back at him as he glanced at me, "What the hell are you doing?" Stefan asked into Damon's Phone.

"Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put." Damon told Stefan, "She's already gone, Damon." Stefan told Damon.

Damon's face dropped, "What?" Damon asked, "Klaus came. He took her." Stefan explained to Damon over the phone. "I'll take care of it." I say as i take Damon phone, then hanging up. Tyler doubles over and falls to the ground. The transformation begins. "Tyler!" Caroline yells. "I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here." Tyler yells, "Tyler, it'll be okay." Caroline says trying to calm him down. "Go!" Tyler yells.

"You've got time. We're almost there, just..." Caroline says as Tyler is trying to hold it off, "It's happening faster." Tyler says angrily. "Tyler, it's okay." Caroline says, Tyler's eyes are yellow. He rushes over towards Caroline but Damon intercepts him and they both fall to the ground. Damon is on his back and Tyler is above him. Damon pushes him off and gets up with a grimace. "Damon..." I say afraid if Tyler bit him. "I'm fine." Damon reassures me.

"Get out of here!" Tyler yells at his last attempts of saving us. "Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it held him in, it'll keep him out. If it doesn't...use these." Damon says as he hands them wooden bullets. "It'll buy you a couple seconds." I say, "Go. Go!" Damon rushes them as they run a separate direction as me and Damon.

~Time skip~

Me and Damon stop for a second, "Go save Elena. I'm gonna have a talk with my brother." I yell at Damon. "Are you sure?" Damon asks me and I nod, "I am sure." Damon nods at me before speeding away.

~Time skip~

I open the door to Alaric's apartment, Klaus sitting down looking at his phone, I walked in facing behind him, "When were you invited in?" Klaus asked me and I gave him a glare that he couldn't see from him still sitting down, facing the other direction.

"This is my best friend's house if you would remember. I've been here so many times." I say like a teenage girl. I should probably stop talking to Caroline and Elena, I was starting to sound like them.

"hate to inform you brother,  but it seems like I might've helped with the escape of your werewolf and Vampire. oops." I say smiling.

Katerina stood up from her seat, "Katerina. Give me and my sister a moment. Family business and all." Klaus says as hes stands up and  walks over to me while Katerina leaves the room. "You should know this but the good thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs. Need a closer look?" Klaus says as he throws a phone towards me and I catch it. I look at it, my eyes widening as I notice its a picture of  Jules.

I glanced up from the phone at my brother, "Let me guess you have a backup vampire as well?" I questioned and Klaus gave me a smirk, "You should know me by now. After all I have been protecting you for a thousand years," Klaus says, trying to make me remember all the good memories. "Klaus. No." I say as I take hold of my head.

I let go of my head, "You know I can't let you kill Elena." I tell Klaus but he doesn't listen, "I already have her. I already have won." Klaus laughed.

"No, you haven't. The sacrifice hasn't happened yet. That means there is still time," I say walking out. "See you soon, little sister." Klaus taunts.

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