━ She realized ━

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Monica's pov.
I hit something hard and wakeup immediately. I fell of the crowded bed which had Alejandro and Alvaro on it and Kairi and Mattia were asleep on a mattress on the floor. I looked at all of them sleeping so peacefully and I was so grateful to have all of them as my friends. Our relationship was so close and I couldn't be more thankful for that. I get of the floor and go to the bathroom and do all the morning routine things as silent as possible. Then I got an idea to make breakfast but that quickly fell in the water after I have realized Mattia has nothing in his fridge. His parents are gonna be away for 2 weeks and we basically moved in to his home. Than I decided to go to a local fast food to buy us breakfast. I made my way upstairs because I needed to take Mattias car keys. The hallway  was a bit dark since it was still kinda early but the windows weren't helping much. I was looking at my phone when I hit something. I look up to see Mattia without a shirt half asleep.
"woah,woah there"-he said with his raspy morning voice.
"ummm sorry"-I said all confused and I could see that he was a bit taken back with my answer because I'm usually really sassy but idk why was I nervous all of the sudden. Maybe it was the way his skin was reflecting the morning sun rays. I heard him chuckle and than i realized I was staring at him.
"you likening whachu see ?"- he mimicked the popular tiktok sound.
"Yeah rights Matts"-I said and I walked past him making sure to shoulder bump him.
What was happening to me and why was I getting butterflies ?

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