Slow Beginnings

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"I can't believe we actually got the place! This is perfect!" Sage squealed happily as she, her Sliggoo and her best friend forever, Lauren, began unloading their boxes from their moving cart. Lauren nodded as she handed a box to her Lucario.

"Successful detective business? Here we come!" she giggled and gave a little high-kick for victory. 
"Lucario!" her Lucario, Lucky, chimed in and gave a fist-pump in the air. Sage pulled out the last, heaviest box and dropped it onto the floor, sweat dripping down her forehead.

"I'm just glad we actually got the place. We'll have people rolling in wanting out services soon enough!" she sighed with happiness. Lauren nodded and finished moving the final box. She thanked the Machamp carrying the cart and waved it goodbye. 

"We'll be sleeping in the 'storage room' back here, right?" Lauren called as she and Lucky pushed a giant box into the back room. Sage nodded and ripped the tape off of one of the boxes with 'desk' scribbled onto it. There was a telephone, a couple of files and Sage's favourite mug. She still couldn't believe that she managed to convince her father to let her start her own business. He was so protective, it was worrying. 

Then she saw her diary. Where she wrote down all her thoughts and sometimes feelings. She had used it to solve her first ever case! Given, it was just who had stolen Lauren's favourite Pokedoll back when they were five, but it was still something. 

"Oh my gosh, Lauren! Do you remember this? This was my first ever case book!" she called and held the tiny book up. Lauren stuck her head around the door and laughed. 

"Haha! Yeah, you were addicted to that thing! You should probably start using it again, it always helped you solve a case!" she giggled and dipped back behind the door. Sage flipped through the book and found that it actually still had about a hundred pages or so. She looked at her Sliggoo, Googoo, and nodded. 

"You know what? Sure," she smiled and placed it onto the front desk, "I think we're going to have an amazing time here." 


"It's been a WEEK and we've gotten NOTHING," Lauren groaned as she read on the office sofa. Sage nodded. 

"We've paid for so many billboards and have advertised ourselves on every street corner. When on earth is someone going to walk through that door-" 

She was cut off by the chime of the doorbell. The two girls immediately looked up to see a man their age burst in. 

"L. Detective services?" he asked and ran up to Sage on her desk. Sage sat up straight and nodded. 

"My sister's been murdered!" 

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