Chapter 8

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Shout out time! First shout out goes to UwUpotatoOwO! Second shout out goes to PhsyciCoroikaWeeb! Third goes to kaidumdum! And forth goes to I_Love_Ships333

                                              ~Dabis pov~

I was chilling on the couch watching some tv when Toga runs in and throws my disguise I use to go out in public at me.

"Get dressed! We're going to the cafe down the street!" She said smiling.

"Nah, just go alone. Go put this back in my room." I said, throwing the disguise back at her.

"Aw, come on! It's just me and Shiggy going. It'll be fun! It's the same place me and kurogiri got that really good boba!" She said with her annoying as pouty face. Well, 2 things got my attention there. #1 being that shigaraki is going, and #2 that boba was really damn good.

"Fine" I sighed and took the disguise from her. I walked to the bathroom and put on the black jacket that covers my scars and some dark grey pants. I heard a knock on the door so I opened it and found Tomura all dressed up in his disguise waiting for me.

I stepped out and pulled at his black mask, saying "What's with the glasses and the mask? You don't need both, plus I want to see more of your cute face."

I have no clue what they are saying in this so if you speak Japanese let me know OwO

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I have no clue what they are saying in this so if you speak Japanese let me know OwO

"L-lets just go patches!" He said, pulling away and fixing his mask to hide the blush forming on his face.

We walked to the front door where Toga was waiting for us. She pulled out a small vial of blood from her pocket and took a small amount so it would only last a few hours. She turned into a girl with blue eyes, long dark brown hair, and freckles. I opened the door and we all walked out.

                                       ~time skip to the cafe~
We arrived at the cafe and I got a strawberry boba, Tomura got a mango boba, and Toga got a caramel frappuccino. We sat down at a booth in the corner of the cafe to not draw attention to ourselves.

We spent most of the time drinking our drinks and making small talk. Me and Toga started to fight about who got the better drink until we noticed Shigaraki suddenly tense up. I followed his gaze and saw why. In line was 2 of the girls from UA, the frog girl and the one that can make things float.

I quickly started to try and distract Toga, knowing that if she saw that floaty girl she would attack her. But it was to late. She started to draw a big ass knife from god knows where.

"Toga, don't you fucking dare!" I whisper-yelled at her. I looked to Tomura for help but his eyes were still on the 2 girls. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was planning something.

Apparently I got to distracted looking at Tomura because next thing I know I hear a scream and look back to see Toga trying to launch at floaty girl, which had fallen over when she first leapt at her, and that the frog had her tongue wrapped around Toga's ankle.

Me and Shiggy both shot up and charged at them at the same time. I got close enough to the frog girl and blasted her tongue, causing her to release Toga. Shigaraki had decayed a wall on the other end of the cafe, so I yanked Toga to her feet and ran towards  that way. I pushed Toga in front of me then turned around and fired a huge blast of blue fire, making everyone who tried to chase us dodge back or get burned.

I turned around and we all ran through the alley. We ran through the streets and took the shortcut through the mall that we used to get to the cafe. Me and Tomura had both lost our disguise and we could hear people behind us yelling "STOP!" And "Stop them!"

We kept running through the mall and then turned a corner into another alleyway. Tomura started to lag behind, so I grabbed him by the wrist and kept running so he could keep up.

We finally got to the hideout and ran inside. We all held our breath as we heard a few footsteps run past the door. When the footsteps faded away I started to breath again. We were all breathing pretty heavily from having to run all the way back.

"Toga... I'm going... to fucking kill you..." I said in between pants.
Just then Spinner walked into the room, looking really confused.

"Hi... when did you get here?" Toga said when she finally caught her breath.

"Just now... what happend to you guys?" Spinner asked, still looking confused. I sure as hell didn't want to spend my time explaining what happend so I took that as my cue to leave.

I walked into my room and took my shirt off then layed on my bed. I was tired from running so I decided to take a nap. I tried to fall asleep but a minute later I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open" I said then yawned. Tomura walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. He had changed into a white hoodie and black sweatpants and, in my opinion, he looked hella hot.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

"Oh, I don't need anything. My room is just to close to the kitchen and I really don't want to listen to Toga's exaggerated tale of what happend." He replied.

"You sure? Because to me it just seems like you just need an excuse to hangout with me." I said smirking then laying back down.

"Oh trust me, I wouldn't be in this god forsaken room if I wasn't already annoyed enough." He replied, crawling up and laying on the other side of my bed. My bed was pretty huge, so we both could easily fit with quite a bit of room to share.

I slowly started to doze off after a few minutes until I felt something on my chest. I opened my eyes a bit and saw Tomura, dead asleep and laying on me. I blushed and smirked a little. I played with his hair a little bit. It doesn't look like it first glace, but his hair is actually really soft. I kept playing with his hair until I also fell asleep.

Aw~ how sweet. while writing this I really wanted a Starbucks Frappuccino... So that's why Toga got one. No, the café they went to wasn't Starbucks because Starbucks doesn't have Boba... sadly . I'm gonna do more shout outs, so if you want one comment "shout out" and your favorite ship. Like I said it can be a ship from any movie or anime. Like drarry or wolfstar or todobaku, anything.

Master~ (Dabi x Shigaraki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin