"No? Okay... let me go out and get you the strawberry one..." I teased her again, making her body shook as she was giggling again.

"Nooo! Aunt Amanda! I want the purple bubblegum one...." She was still laughing while reaching out for the purple ice cream.

I finally gave it to her, when Angie came into the room finding both of us on the kitchen counter eating our ice cream while laughing our asses off.

"Well...well...I'm not sure your daddy will approve of this late-night snacking. Amanda, this is not a very good example..." Angelica scolded at both of us while she put the baby monitor on the counter. We were suddenly quiet realizing that baby Dennis was asleep already.

"Hmmft ... her daddy is not here, let her have some fun mom! Here eat this and I'll do your nails..." I said to Angie as I gave her the rest of my ice cream.

She finally smiled and join Mable on the kitchen counter while I pulled up a chair and the nail kit then start doing her nails.

Two hours later Mable was fast asleep in front of the TV, after eating two large pizza slices.

"I never knew you're good with kids?" Angie asked as we were cleaning up after our very very messy sleepover.

"Yeah, I just find out...I guess I'm just good at everything." I grinned at her.

"So? How about it? Just stay at mine get your things delivered here, you can even do your painting here, the living room has the biggest windows and the best lighting. And I rather have you at my place than renting it out to a stranger." She was pushing the issue again.

I finally said my yes to her, and she hugged me excitedly.

"But I'm paying rent, if not I'll search someplace else."

"Okay...okay... It's a deal!" She hugged me again and we finally rest for the night.


I was just about to get up when the front door was knocked. Angelica was about to go check on Dennis and retreated to the living room.

"I'll get it, you go pick up Dennis...." I said to her as I got up, she thanked me and went to Dennis's room.

I opened the door, obviously forget that I was still in my pajamas, I didn't even wear my bra.

"You should not open the door in this attire, this is dangerous..." the single daddy, the hot coffee guy that I hated said sexily while roaming his eyes on my body.

I was doing the same, as I looked at his tall muscular body, his t-shirt was snugly showing off his figure making me bite my lip, my hands were itching to touch him.

"Dale! come in...Mable is still sleeping, why are you two staring at each other? Amanda, let him in, will you... he's bringing his special brew. I know you're going to love it." Angelica called out with Dennis in her arms.

Then Dale told her to feed Dennis while he sets up his thing, he walked in front of me smelling like soap and aftershave.

Hmm... this is how coffee man smells in the morning...

I decided to put on my hoodie not sure of my morning smell, but he looked disappointed. But not for long, as his eyes started to wander to my legs.


"Eyes up here Dale..." I scolded him.

He was babbling about something, but my sense of smell was directed to the coffee blend that he brought.

This is what heaven would smell like...

"Daddy, why are you here already?" The little princess woke up hearing her daddy but looked disappointed that he might actually come to pick her up.

"Hey cutie, I think your dad misses you. Come sit with me, let see what he can do with his special blend. Smells good by the way..." he smiled and thanked me, as I complimented his coffee blend.

But he raised an eyebrow looking at me funny when Mable decided to sit in my lap and rest her head on my chest, while she rubbed her eyes with her knuckles.

"Sorry but we kinda have a wild girls night last night..." I grinned at him showing him my nails making him laugh.

Hmmm...I like his laugh, it's deep and sexy...

Then Mable dives into our conversation, as she started telling her dad about our girls' night. He looked amused at me while finishing off on his french press. He moves graciously in the kitchen, I never knew a tall and muscular man can look so delicious by the kitchen counter.

Inner self: Ermm... a bit too fast don't you think? with the incident and all...you should seriously slow down.

Coffee self: Not with that special blend he's not...do you know how hard it is to find good coffee made by a sexy hot single man?

Maybe I should slow down, I haven't even tasted it...

"....right aunt Amanda?" the little kid on my lap asked me out of the blue.

"Eh...what was right?"

Dale let out another deep laugh that made my insides happy.

Not good...

Seducing The Single Dad ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara