Basket Case Rollercoaster

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{Ayano's POV}

I've been thinking for awhile now. I'm laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I can't stop thinking about her. After that one act of kindness she did for me, she saved me, I can't get her off my mind. She smells like Jasmine, and her skin is so soft. Her hair is all tangled, and I really want to brush it out for her just to see her looking so. . . beautiful. I want to see her smile and laugh. I want to see her again. I want her.

I need her.

Could this all really be true? Is Info-Chan right? I think she is.

I love her.

I love a scrawny little wimp, that smells like Jasmine, and has a voice like stuffing, that has a rain cloud for hair, and eyes the same color as lavenders. She makes me feel warm, and safe, and not alone. She makes me see color, and she makes me feel. . . She makes me feel. When I'm around her, the skies are always blue, even when the sun is hiding behind the clouds. She's the stars I see when I'm dizzy, she's the moon in the sky out my window. The birds chirping in the morning, the delicate flowers, the wind chimes that sing every day. She's my everything. She's mine. She will be mine. I want her and I need her. And I'll make her need me too, I don't care what it takes. I finally have something to live for again.

I sat up and grabbed my phone, frantically text the girl with all the information in the world. I told her she was right. All along, she knew. She was happy that she was right, but I didnt care. I asked for everything about her. Her favorite food, her favorite animal, her pastimes, her shirt size, her shampoo, and everything. I love her. I want to know everything about her. Info shared some pictures of her. I felt my heart race. She was just so cute. 

I saved all of them to my phone and and scrolled through them slowly. Then my heart sank and my stomach turned. There was her best friend, Mr. Shin. . . Whatever his last name was, I don't care. They seem inseparable, like Osana and Raibaru. They all disgust me. Y'know, Oka used to disgust me too, but that's life. I think. Anyway, Shin had his arm around Oka. They look like they were both in bed, Oka had a small journal in her lap. It didn't look like either of them were taking the photo, so maybe one of the occult members. Info-Chan told me this was when they use to date. It made me so angry. But I kept my feelings in and scrolled to the next one. Oka was in a dress, a yellow one. She didn't have her gloves of socks on. Made feel like she was vulnerable. I think she felt the same way, in that photo. Her face showed her soft expression as always, so shy and scared. Her arms are so thin and frail, like her legs. She's built like a tiny tree. I wonder why.

I laid on my side and stared at the picture. I felt my eyes get heavy. I didn't want to sleep yet, I wanted to keep looking at the picture. I'll print out a copy or something. I placed my phone down on my nightstand and yawned. I soon fell asleep.

The next morning I got out of bed and changed for school. I felt miserable, I think. Like, really bad and I need a detox. That feeling. I hopped on my bike and sped my way to school.

There, before my dull eyes, was the love of my meaningless life. Standing 4'11, was little Miss Ruto with. . . Shin. I didn't like that she talked to him all the time. But, ignoring him for now, Oka's so small, I can practically pick her up, like a hamster. She is kinda like a hamster, but without the hamster-ness in her physique. When I was crazy for Taro, I once watched her chow down on a cookie, and she shoved the whole thing in her cheek. She paused for a little and one of the members, the pigtails one, said, "Oka, what the fuck." Oka flipped her off and chewed her cookie, making pigtails flip her off and the pixie cut one put a peace sign up. What a trio.

"Good morning, Aya-chan. . ." Oka said turning to me. She didn't smile, but I assumed she was happy to see me. I think. I love the nickname she gave me. It made my heart flutter. Oka walked towards me, leaving Shin to watch her. Oka went on her toes and gave me a hug. Her small arms wrapped around me. My heart raced like a car. I stood there, looking down at her head. My legs were wobbling. It was only three seconds but I wanted it to last forever.

Oka stepped down from the hug. I stayed frozen in place still staring at her. I heard a small laugh coming from that boy a few feet away from us. I looked over at Shin and glared at him, he looked at me and kept laughing. Oka turned to him.

"Shin, don't laugh, she doesn't know what affection is."

. . . Well, she's not wrong.

"Sorry, it's just funny to see her like that," Shin replied.

"Like what?" I asked.

Shin froze when he heard me speak up. He refrained his gaze to the floor at his feet. He was scared. Rightfully so. Oka looked up at me. I think she was studying me. Or maybe she zoned out. While staring. I can't see that much in my peripheral vision. I turned my head over to look at her. Oka blinked slowly at me, like what you'd do to a cat to show them you love them. My heart rate accelerated, I couldn't breathe, my mouth was watering. I wanted to grab her. I wanted to kiss her so badly. But I couldn't. 'Cause of Shin, who was still there watching us. I fought every urge in my body to not pick her up and spin her around. The cute little girl with bedhead makes me weak in the knees.

". . .your face is red. . ." Oka spoke. I snapped out of all my thoughts and took a deep breath.

". . .It is?" I asked. Oka nodded.

"Maybe she's experiencing a feeling," Shin said.

"Shin, what did I say about being nice?" Oka turned to the tall boy and crossed her arms. I watched as her hair bounced and her skirt settled.

"To be nice," Shin replied, mimicking Oka's stance.

"Mhmm, and what are you doing?" Oka leaned forward a little.

"Being nice." Shin smiled.

"Really now?" Oka put her hands on her hips.

"Yes." Shin did the same thing with that stupid smile on his face.

They kept bickering for awhile, like friends do I guess, and I kept watching. I kept watching Shin make all these gestures and faces and laugh and chuckle and I just wanted to smash his face against the wall. I wanted wipe that stupid smile off his face. . . Yeah. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna cut open his face. I hate how he's so buddy with Oka. I don't care if they're friends, I hate it. I hate him. I'm getting rid of him.

I walked away from the two and left them bickering. I don't think they noticed anyway. I snuck away to the cooking club. I waited for the student councils to leave the area and grabbed the knife that was always so carelessly placed on the counter. For such a prestigious school, they should really tell the kids to be more careful with cooking appliances. I stuck the knife in my skirt and walked to Oka's club room. I heard a lot of chatter coming from the room. I pressed my ear against the wall to listen.

"Why can't you understand that I don't want you hanging around her?"

"I know what I'm doing, why can't you understand that?"

"You're going to get hurt! You need to stop now!"

"I know what I'm doing!"

"No you don't!"

"Shut up!"

Sounded like they were rehearsing for a play. Weird thought, actually. I wondered what was going on. I waited for everything to get quiet and let our a small giggle. I knew Shin heard it, so went around the corner to hide. I watched him walk out of the club and investigate. It was weird that everyone in the school investigates giggling noises. Do they wanna know what I'm laughing at? Their stupidity, that's what.

I snuck behind him and took out my knife, raising it above my head.

I froze.

I couldn't bring myself to do it. I. . . I just couldn't do it. All I could think of was how sad Oka would be if she found out her best friend was dead. Am I really thinking about someone's feelings? I guess so. I don't want her sad. I quickly put my knife away as the tall boy turned around. He flinched.

"Oh God- you scared me," he said.

"Sorry," I replied with my monotone.

"Were you the one laughing? It's always scary when someone laughs near our room. . .makes me feel uneasy. . ." Shin looked off to the side in slight embarrassment.

"Yeah, I was. I got a funny text message from my friend. . ." I lied.

"Oh. . . I didn't know you could laugh."

"You don't know a lot of things about me."

"Yeah, you're right. . ." He looked back at me. "I gotta go. . ."

I nodded and let him pass through. Once the door closed, I turned on my heels and slowly made my way to class. But, I couldn't do that either. My eyes brast out tears and I feel to my knees. I had to cover my mouth from how hard I was sobbing. But, why? When I lost Taro, I never sobbed. Why am I crying now? I feel so dizzy, and my insides hurt. I heard a door slide open and footsteps walking in my direction behind me. I wouldn't have been able to see who it was, even if I turned around from all the water blocking my eye sight.

"Aya. . ." I heard before a small hand was gently placed on my shoulder.

My small saviour knelt down next to me, gently laying me on her lap. I gripped her skirt and cried harder, making stained on her clothes. She didn't ask me what was wrong, she just let me cry, until I couldn't anymore. After I calmed down, i looked up at her. Her pale face was glowing, so radiant and stainless like porcelain.

"Why-. . .why do I feel like this? . . .I. . .I don't cry. . .why do I feel like this now. . . ?" I asked her through small hiccups.

"It's probably because you've been bottling up your feelings. . ." Oka said in a whisper.

I finally took a deep breath and relaxed on her lap. I was staring up at the ceiling now, the florescent lights blinding me. Oka was raking her finger through my hair. It reminded me of how my mom would brush my hair every night before bed. It calmed me.

"Maybe. . .you are right. . ." I finally replied. I turned my head to look at her face. "I. .don't know how to feel. . .everything is so new. .and. . .scary. . .am I gonna do this again. . ?"

"No," Oka said gently, "but if you do then let it out. . .it's better than keeping it in. . ." Her other small hand lightly rubbed my arm. "I know it must be terrifying for you to break down like this for the first time. . .and that's okay. . .you're learning now and soon. .you'll have a wonderful time feeling. . ."

And then, she smiled.

She smiled.

She smiled at me.

My heart rate started to speed up, my mouth started watering again. I could see everything in color again. Her face was so pale, but it was also slightly blushed. I wonder if she bruises easily. I wonder if her lips are soft. My breathing pattern become chaotic. Oka's smile faded and a worried look spread across her face.

"Oh my God, are you having a panic attack?" she asked me, so worried.

I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath. "No, I have a breathing difficulty."

"Do you need an inhaler? I have one in my bag," she said.

Oh my God, this is going to be our first kiss. Indirect of course, I'm not letting this opportunity pass.

"Yes, please," I replied.

I sat up from her lap and she got up. Oka gently picked up her skirt a little, looking at the wet patch as she walked to her club room. I waited on the floor for her return, like a puppy. When she came back, my breathing became chaotic again. She knelt down again and handed me her inhaler. It was purple.

"My pulmonologist made a special inhaler case for me. . .I think it's because of how nervous I was all the time going there so she made me something to make me a little less nervous. . .it worked. . ." She quietly smiled to herself.

I puffed and breathed in, held for a few seconds, exhaled and did it again. I did feel better. I could still taste her leftover saliva from it that she tried to wipe away. I was on heaven. I gave it back to her.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome," she replied, her smiling fading.

Unfortunately, the bell rang and we had to go to class. I got up and so did Oka. We waved goodbye and went our separate ways.

After school, I found Oka being a little giggly with her club members while walking to her bike. Her bike was also purple, a pretty lilac shade. Like her eyes. She waved goodbye to her friends, giving her bestfriend a hug. I guess they didn't have bikes of their own. But I do. When the members finally left, I ran over.

"Hey, can I ride with you?" I asked.

"Oh, sure," she replied.

She waited for me as I got to my bike. And then we rode together on the streets, avoiding the cars and pedestrians. We were having such a great time, slightly giggling at the wind tickling our cheeks. Mostly Oka, it was weird when started giggling with her.

We were having so much fun,

until Oka got hit by a truck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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